L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E POETICS: 2 volume Chinese translation of selected essays and poems by Charles Bernstein

by Charles Bernstein
translated by Luo Lianggong, et al.
Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, Feb 2013
ISBN  978-7-5446-3021-4 / I-0229
190 pages

i    Preface (for this series of translations) / Nie Zhenzhao

v   Acknowledgements / Nie Zhenzhao and Wang Songlin

I    Translator’s Preface  /  Luo Lianggong

IX  Author’s Preface: The Expanded Field of L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E / Charles Bernstein
                 Translated by Zhang Qiong, Wang Min, Min Min, Liu Xiaoyan, and Duan Bo

1     Three or Four Things I Know about Him     Translated by Wang Zhu

13   Thought’s Measure             Translated by Liu Xiaoyan

27   Writing and Method            Translated by Liu Fuli

35   State of the Art                    Translated by Chen Hongbo

41   Artifice of Absorption         Translated by Luo Lianggong

115  The Revenge of the Poet-Critic, or The Parts Are Greater than the Sum of the Whole       Translated by Shi Liling

127  Poetics of the Americas       Translated by Zhou Xin

147  The Practice of Poetics        Translated by Li Zhimin

167  Appendix: Interview with Professor Charles Bernstein / Nie Zhenzhao
       Translated by Luo Lianggong, Wang Songlin, Zhou Xin, Li Haiming, etc

The book follows up on an earlier volume

cover image by Susan Bee


Selected Poems of Charles Bernstein
Edited by Nie Zhenzhao and Luo Lianggong
Translated by Nie Zhenzhao, Luo Lianggong, et al
Wuhan, China: Central China Normal University Press, September 2011
ISBN 978-7-5622-5223-8/I 712. 245
220 pages

  /  Contents

序/Preface                                      聂珍钊/Nie Zhenzhao

1  诗/Poem                                               钱志富 译 / Tr. Qian Zhifu

4  责任感/Senses of responsibility          钱志富 译 / Tr. Qian Zhifu

8  帕卢卡维尔/Palukaville                      罗良功 译 / Tr. Luo Lianggong

11  污点/Stigma                                       周  昕 译/ Tr. Zhou Xin

13  突起/Bulge                                         周  昕 译/ Tr. Zhou Xin

15  政策那些事儿/Matters of Policy      黄晓燕 译/Tr. Huang Xiaoyan

23  白描/The Simply                               黄晓燕 译/Tr. Huang Xiaoyan

30  光阴膜片/The Years As Swatches      黄晓燕 译/Tr. Huang Xiaoyan

33  分解代谢/Catabolism                        王松林 译/Tr. Wang Songlin

35  评论家的椅子/The Critic’s Chair     王松林 译/Tr. Wang Songlin

37  在读数仪表旁/At Reading                王松林 译/Tr. Wang Songlin

38  几维树上的几维鸟/The Kiwi Bird In The Kiwi Tree     周昕 译/ Tr. Zhou Xin

39  论诗学:为英属哥伦比亚温哥华写作学校新诗研讨会而作,1985年8月 / Being A Statement On Poetics For The New poetics Colloquium of Writing, Vancouver, British   王松林 译/Tr. Wang Songlin

41  糟糕透顶的练习曲/Blow-me-down Etude       王松林 译/Tr. Wang Songlin

56  岛屿/捣鼓/Islets/irritations                 罗良功 译 / Tr. Luo Lianggong

59  举起犁刀/Lift Plow Plates                  罗良功 译 / Tr. Luo Lianggong

60  运动症/Motion Sickness                     罗良功 译 / Tr. Luo Lianggong

65  一个问题/A Question                         罗良功 译 / Tr. Luo Lianggong

66  疯人院/Asylum                                   罗良功 译 / Tr. Luo Lianggong

74  收费员的生命/The lives of the Toll Takers        罗良功 译 / Tr. Luo Lianggong

90  虚拟现实/Virtual Reality                   黎志敏 译/Tr. Li Zhimin

94  普通人情感/Emotions of Normal People            陈尚真 译/ Tr. Chen Shangzhen

108 黑暗之城/Dark City                          黎志敏 译/Tr. Li Zhimin               

118 半敞着车门玻璃/Liftjar agate          周昕 译/ Tr. Zhou Xin

120 逃命的绝望/Fugitive Desperation    周昕 译/ Tr. Zhou Xin

121 选战后/After campaign                     周昕 译/ Tr. Zhou Xin

122 中国全是茶/All the tea in China      周昕 译/ Tr. Zhou Xin

123 革命诗/Revolutionary Poem             周昕 译/ Tr. Zhou Xin

124 想着我在想我在想/thinking I think I think   李海明 译/Tr. Li Haiming

126 鼠面人群的骗局/fiddle of the rat faced men      李海明 译/Tr. Li Haiming

127 如此/like this                                      李海明 译/Tr. Li Haiming

130 消极经验的制造/the manufacture of negative experience      王群 译/Tr. Wang Qun

138 人的概要/the human abstract                               罗良功 译 / Tr. Luo Lianggong

139 诗:为杰克逊·马克洛而作/poem composed for Jackson Mac low’s    王  群 译/Tr. Wang Qun

142 孤儿拼字图/little orphan anagram                       罗良功 译 / Tr. Luo Lianggong

143 物质必定流过岁月的孔隙/the inevitable flow of material things through the pores of the years      何庆机 译/Tr. He Qingji

153 航海日志节奏/log rhythms                                   罗良功 译 / Tr. Luo Lianggong

164 人间众生相/In Particular                                      王  卓 译/Tr. Wang Zhuo

169 泥瓦匠的手臂/Bricklayer’s Arms                         王  卓 译/Tr. Wang Zhuo

174 比如说吧/Let’s Just Say                                        王  卓 译/Tr. Wang Zhuo

176 像/Likeness                                                            罗良功  译 / Tr. Luo Lianggong

184 有湖就有屋/Every Lake                                        聂珍钊 译/Tr. Nie Zhenzhao


186 查尔斯·伯恩斯坦教授访谈录/Interview with Professor Charles Bernstein          聂珍钊/Nie Zhenzhao

200 “翻译诗学观念”:论美国语言诗的诗学观及其翻译/ “Translate Poetic Ideas”: On LANGUAGE Poetry and Its Translation                                     罗良功/Luo Lianggong

211 后记/Postscript                             罗良功/Luo Li

Chinese web pages for both books

Bernstein lecture in CCNU, Wuhan, September 23, 2011