Julie Patton on Close Listening

Program one, reading (39:57): MP3
Program two, conversation with Charles Bernstein (45:29): MP3
On Program one, Julie Patton reads, performs and rips "Car Tune," "Using Blue to Get Black," "Scribbling thru the Times," and "Notes for Sum (Nominally) Awake."
On Program two, Patton talks with Charles Bernstein about growing up in an art-rich home and community in Cleveland, the influence of her artist-mother and the Cleveland art, performance, and poetry scenes on her early development as a poet/artist/performer; her move to New York and travel in Europe, her approach to writing as physical and acoustic media, her developing style of improvised performance, and her visual art. She talks about her poem "Using Blue to Get Black" (read on program one), discussing the politics of the form. As Patton puts it, "I'm not black, I'm blue."
Julie Patton’s most recent book is Notes for Some (Nominally). Patton is a self-proclaimed "phonemenologist" who has toured and recorded with Ravi Coltrane, Uri Caine, Paul van Curen and others. Her book length serial poem B (Tender Buttons Press) and Writing with Crooked Ink (Belladonna) are forthcoming. Listen to more work by Patton on her PennSound page.
Close Listening is produced and recorded by Charles Berntein for PennSound and Clocktower.Org Radio. You can listen to the full set of program at PennSound and Clocktower Radio. The Julie Patton shows are the 139th and 140th shows in the series (the first show in the series was in 2003, and followed the LINEbreak radio series of programs with 28 poets).