Bern Porter -- Found Poems

Sibyl, Sibila's English language portal, has just published Joel Lipman's illuminating introduction to Bern Porter's Found Poems, which is just out from Nightboat.
Read the full introduction here.
In conjunction with the publication of the book and Sibyl's publication of the introduction, Lipman has made available a set of Porter images, which I include here. Photos by Lipman and Tom Barden, taken 1998-99.
click on picture for larger image
2-page landscape spread from Porter's travel journals, India 1982. From the Special Collection at Colby College.
click on picture for larger image
Porter RJ 1993 List: Bern Porter's letters and demands were regularly published in the Belfast Republican Journal. Image from the "Bern Porter Collection," Special Collections at Colby College, Porter's undergraduate alma mater.
Porter outside his Beflast, Maine, house in 1998
found sculpture (in his back yard)