Richard Foreman: Videos and Films of Four Decades of His Theater
PennSound is happy to announce a major expansion of our Richard Foreman page edited by Jay Sanders. The page for Foreman, for me the greatest visionary theater director of the period, includes the full production films and videos of many of his productions.
Excerpts from Rhoda in Potatoland (1975), Livre des Splendeurs (1976) (Paris), Blvd. de Paris: I’ve Got the Shakes (1977), Threepenny Opera (1976), Book of Splendors; Part II (Book of Leaves) Action at a Distance (1977), Sophia = (Wisdom): Part 3: The Cliffs (1972)
Luogo and Barsaglio (Place and Target), 1980
La Robe de Chambre de Georges Bataille, 1983
Cure, 1986
Symphony of Rats, 1988
Lava, 1989
Eddie Goes to Poetry City, 1990
Eddie Goes to Poetry City, Part 2, 1991
The Mind King, 1992
Samuel's Major Problems, 1993
My Head Was a Sledgehammer, 1994
I've Got the Shakes, 1995
The Universe, 1996
Permanent Brain Damage, 1996
Benita Canova, 1997
The Missing Jewels of Benita Canova, 1997: Elka Krajewska's behind-the-scene documentary (with interviews) of "Benita Canova."
Pearls for Pigs, 1997
Paradise Hotel, 1998
Bad Boy Nietzche!, 2000
Now That Communism Is Dead My Life Feels Empty!, 2001
Maria del Bosco, 2002
Panic! (How to be Happy!), 2003
King Cowboy Rufus Rules the Universe, January 8 - April 18, 2004
The Gods Are Pounding My Head! (aka Lumberjack Messiah), 2005
What to Wear, 2006
Zomboid, 2006
Foreman on Close Listening
Henry Hill’s Foreman film King Richard
Now You See It Now You Don’t: a film by Richard Foreman, 2017
Reading at Penn Humanities Forum, University of Pennsylvania, 2006
and readings at SUNY Buffalo and in the Segue series.