"On Election Day" translated by Regis Bonvicino for Folha de Sao Paulo
video by Gabe Rubin; Shadowtime tr. by Adriano Scandolara

Folha de Sao Paulo, the main newspaper of the city, published today a translation by Régis Bonvicino of "On Election Day," a poem I wrote five years ago, just after the election of President Obama. The poem was collected in Recalculating.
Gabe Rubin made a video of my reading the poem for this publication:
While working on a Brazilian edition of Marjorie Perloff's Unoriginal Genius, Adriano Scandolara began translating passages from Shadowtime, the libretto I wrote for Brian Ferneyhough. He has just posted his translation of the "Amphibolies" section of the opera (along with some YouTube clips from the opera recording).