S/N: NewWorldPoetics: Issue #3
(issue #1 now on-line free)
Ios 90
Juliana Spahr
Alfonso D'Aquino, poems
Translation, Forrest Gander
Ted Berrigan, poemas
Bilingual Introduction, Eduardo Espina
Traducción, David Berrigan
Interview with Charles Bernstein |
Entrevista con Charles Bernstein
Enrique Mallen
Michael Palmer, poemas
Traducción, José María Antolín
Silvia Guerra, poems
Translation, G.J. Racz
De Diarios Clarividentes de Hannah Weiner
Traducción, Rodrigo Flores
Vacillation, a poem by Hugo Gola
Translation, William Rowe
From Ojo del testimonio de
Jerome Rothenberg
Traducción, Heriberto Yépez
José Viñals, poems
Traducción, Andrés Fisher & Benito del Pliego
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a letter from our publisher
S/N I:3 contributor David Berrigan probably first met co-editor of S/N, Charles Bernstein at a some reading or another, but Berrigan can never be too sure: “Sometimes I operate under the assumption that I know all poets because I met them when I was a kid.”
Historicity of when they first met aside, Bernstein learned that after having lived in Mexico, David (that is, Dr. Berrigan, biologist in the line of cancer-research) avocationally translated a considerable amount of his father, Ted Berrigan’s famous Sonnets into Spanish. Upon reading these translations —inherently quirky renderings—co-editor Eduardo Espina became so animated that he had written “Una sintaxis simultánea: Introducción a Ted Berrigan” thirty minutes later. We include this introduction in both English and Spanish, and are providing it as a preview of this, our third issue of S/N: NewWorldPoetics on the “Material” page.
As Bernstein says in his interview, included in this issue, “Poetry is for those of us who need it. And we’d probably be better off without it too, but can’t kick the habit. For me anyway, I will never kick that habit.” That habit crops up as an apparently unshakable Berrigan heredity, to which Spanish-language S/N readers are now beholden. It brings them to a poet whose “simultaneous syntax” will make them say, “wow, this has never been done before.”