Dialog on poetry and poetics: 1st CAAP (Chinese/American poetry) conference
Wuhan, China –– September 29-30, 2011

The 1st Convention of the
Chinese / American Association for Poetry and Poetics
Wuhan, China
in celebration of Marjorie Perloff's 80th birthday
pdf of full conference program and abstracts
(212 pages, 2.7mb)
Sept 28, 2011
Guiyuan Hotel, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China
(Phone: 86-27-6786 3418)
Sept 29, 2011
08:10-08:40 Opening Ceremony
Place: Concert Hall, CCNU
Nie Zhenzhao, Prof. of Central CCNU, Vice President of CAAP
Huang Xiaomei, Vice President of Central China Normal University (CCNU)
Marjorie Perloff, Prof of Stanford Univ, President of CAAP
Charles Bernstein, Prof of Univ of Pennsylvania, Vice President of CAAP
Hu Yamin, Prof and Dean of School of Humanities, CCNU
08:40-09:10 Group Photo
09:10-11:40 Plenary Sessions 1-2
Place: Concert Hall, CCNU
9:10-10:10 Plenary Session 1
Chair: Ou Hong (Prof of Sun Yat-sen University)
Keynote Speaker: Marjorie Perloff (Prof of Stanford Univ, President of CAAP)
Title: Becoming a Critic: An Academic Memoir
10:10-11:40 Plenary Session 2
Chairs: Yang Jincai (Prof of Nanjing University)
Kenneth Goldsmith (American Poet)
Keynote Speakers:
10:10—10:40 Jed Rasula(Distinguished Prof of University of Georgia, USA)
Title: The Condition of Poetry When Everybody Is a Poet
10:40—11:10 Chung Ling (Prof and Dean, Hong Kong Baptist University)
Title: Jane Hirshfield’s Poetry and Zen Buddhism
11:10—11:40 Luo Lianggong (Prof of Central China Normal University)
Title: A Poetic Dialog between Langston Hughes and T. S. Eliot
12:00-14:00 Welcoming Banquet
(in honor of Prof Marjorie Perloff’s 80th Birthday)
Place: Guiyuan Hotel, CCNU
Chair: Nie Zhenzhao (Prof of CCNU, Vice President of CAAP)
14:30-18:00 Panel Sessions
Place: School of Foreign Languages, School of Chinese Language and Literature
14:30-16:05 Panel Session 1
16:05-16:25 Tea Break
16:25-18:00 Panel Session 2
18:20-19:20 Dinner
19:50-21:00 Concert (Place: Concert Hall, CCNU)
Co-hosts: Zang Yibing (Prof and Dean of School of Music, CCNU)
Su Hui (Prof and Vice Dean, School of Chinese Language and Literature, CCNU)
September 30, 2011
8:00-11:40 Panel Sessions
Place: School of Foreign Languages, School of Chinese Language and Literature
8:00-9:40 Panel Session 3
9:40-10:00 Tea Break
10:00-11:40 Panel Session 4
12:00-13:30 Banquet (Place: Gui Xiang Yuan Retaurant, CCNU)
Chair: Zhang Weiyou (Prof and Dean, School of Foreign Languages, CCNU)
14:00-17:50 Plenary Sessions 3-5
Place: Concert Hall, CCNU
14:00—15:30 Plenary Session 3
Chairs: Tomiyama Hidetoshi (Prof of Meiji Gakuin University, Japan)
Chen Hong (Prof of School of Foreign Languages, CCNU)
Keynote Speakers:
14:00—14:30 Charles Bernstein (Prof of Univ of Pennsylvania, Vice President of CAAP)
Title: Attack of the Difficult Poems: Towards a More Perfect Invention
14:30—15:00 He Huibin (Prof of Zhejiang University, China)
Title: The Language Poetry: A Utopia Made of Signifiers
15:00—15:30 Terry Gifford(Prof, Bath Spa Univ, UK; Prof, University of Alicante, Spain)
Title: The Challenge of Ecopoetry: The Case of Ted Hughes
15:30—15:45 Tea Break
15:45—17:15 Plenary Session 4
Chairs: John Zheng (Prof of Valley State University, USA)
Young Suck Rhee (Hanyang University, Korea)
Keynote Speakers:
15:45-16:15 Jerry Ward (Distiguished Prof of Dillard University, USA)
Title: The Tonal Drawings of Asili Ya Nadhiri: Temporality and Musicality
16:15-16:45 Steven Tracy (Prof of University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Title: The Blues Terrain of “J. Alfred Prufrock”
16:45-17:15 Youngmin Kim (Prof of Dongguk Univ, Korea)
Title: Transnationalism and Cultural Translation: Language, Poetry, and Poetics
17:15-17:50 Plenary Session 5—Open-Mic Speeches
Chairs: Ning Yizhong (Prof of Beijing Language and Culture University)
Peter Huang (Associate Prof of Taiwan Tamkang University)
18:00-19:00 Dinner (Place: Guiyuan Hotel, CCNU)
19:30—21:00 Poem-Reading
Chairs: Charles Bernstein (Prof of Univ of Pennsylvania, USA)
Li Zhimin (Prof of Sun Yat-sen University, China)
Wang Zhuo (Shandong Jinan University, China)
21:00-21:10 Closing Ceremony
Place: Concert Hall, CCNU
Chair: Luo Lianggong (Prof of CCNU; Executive Director of CAAP)
Marjorie Perloff (President of CAAP)
Charles Bernstein (Vice President of CAAP)
Nie Zhenzhao (Vice President of CAAP)
pdf of full conference program and abstracts
(212 pages, 2.7mb)