Haroldo de Campos tribute at Guggenehim museum (1992 video)

with Bessa, Perloff, Cisneros, Dworkin, Bernstein, Helguera

Presentation on the work of Haroldo de Campos, in conjunction with the exhibit" Brazil: Body and Soul,"
Guggenheim Museum, New York, January 12, 2002

  • Welcome by Pablo Helguera
  • Introduction by Sergio Bessa
  • "Auto do Possesso" (Act of the Possessed)," 1950 poem/play. tr. Cisneros and directed by Cynthia Croot
  • Craig Dworkin reads his translation of "Signantia quasi coelum / signância quase céu"
  • Odile Cisneros reads her translations
  • Marjorie Perloff and Charles Bernstein reading "Finismundo" (Bessa's tr.)
  • Panel with Perloff and Bernstein, moderated by Bessa
  • Organized by Sergio Bessa
    Also of Interest:
    De Campos Thou Art Translated (Knot): An Essay by Charles Bernstein on Haroldo de Campos

    These sound recordings are being made available for noncommercial and educational use only. All rights to this recorded material belong to the individual speakers. © 2012. Used with the permission of all the participants.  Distributed by PennSound.