Poetry Communities & the Individual Talent: @ Penn/KWH April 13 & 14, 2012
A conference on 20th and 21st century poetry and poetics
Friday, April 13
Introductory Remarks (by the organizers) (11:00 – 11:30)
Jonathan Fedors
Katie Price
Revising Historical Trajectories (11:30 – 1:00)
Moderator: Michael Golston
Kathy Lou Schultz, “The Chicago School, Langston Hughes, and the Early Poetry of Melvin Tolson”
Andrea Actis, “‘Can it be that all poems have been anthologized?’: On Laura Riding and the Antinomies of American Poetry”
Rebecca Gaydos, “The Technology of Expression: Revisiting Charles Olson’s ‘Projective Verse’”
Lunch Break (1:00 – 2:30)
Theory and Practice of Community (2:30 – 4:00)
Moderator: Josephine Park
Adeena Karasick, “Exile and Nomadicism: The Immunity of Community”
Al Filreis, “Academic Politics: Clearing a Space for Communities”
Jacob Edmond, “Conceptual Writing: Community and Anti-Community”
Coffee Break (4:00- 5:00)
Keynote Panel: On Poetry Communities (5:00 – 7:00)
Moderators: Jonathan Fedors and Katie Price
Maria Damon, “TBA”
Craig Dworkin, “Scapegoat: Community, Influence, and Exclusion”
Brian Reed, “TBA”
Steven Yao, “Some Contradictions of Poetry and Community”
Saturday, April 14
Resisting Communities (9:20 – 10:50)
Moderator: Charles Bernstein
Jessyka Finley, “‘How I Got Ovah’: Humor and Discontent in Women’s Poetry of the Black Arts Movement”
Tom Fisher, “Literary Communism and Language Poetry”
Joshua Kotin, “J. H. Prynne and the Cambridge School”
Coffee Break (10:50 – 11:00)
Othering Self-Construction (11:00 – 12:30)
Moderator: Max Cavitch
Juliana Leslie, “A Prayer for Modernism: Gertrude Stein’s Portraits and Prayers“
John Paetsch, “Comparative Serial Poetics: Jack Spicer and Robert Duncan”
Maude Emerson, “‘Improbable Selves: Jamesian Psychology in Schuyler and O’Hara”
Lunch Break (12:30 – 2:00)
Complicating Post-War Reputations (2:00 – 3:30)
Moderator: TBA
Hannah Baker, “Thom Gunn’s Transatlantic Response to Confessional Poetry”
Piotr Gwiazda, “‘A naked singularity’: James Merrill and Identify Politics”
Stefania Heim, “Trespass and Presumption: Susan Howe and Muriel Rukeyser”
Coffee Break (3:30 – 3:40)
Communities of Print Culture (3:40 – 5:10)
Moderator: Alan Golding
Sarah Stone, “The Plain Edition: Gertrude Stein and Modernist Book History”
Josh Scheiderman, “The Republic of Postcards: The New York School and Lyric Obscurity”
Kaplan Harris, “Vampire Editing: Dodie Bellamy and Mirage”
Closing Remarks (5:10 – 5:30)
Bob Perelman
Reception (5:30 – 7:00)
Open to all participants and attendees.