Espians: Issue #2 and CFP

The Journal of EPSIANS
The journal’s title EPSIANS derives from EPSI, i.e., English Poetry Studies Institute of Sun Yat-sen University (P. R. China). The journal is international in scope, open to Chinese and English-speaking scholars, and is mainly devoted to poetry studies with occasional contributions on other related topics. The first issue was published in September of 2011, and can be downloaded here.
Papers submitted to the journal should be sent to: epsians2011--@--gmail.com.
Deadline for contribution to the third issue is June 1, 2012.
[free PDFs of issue 1 and 2 here]
Editor-in-Chief: Ou Hong
Honorary Editors: R. D. Gooder; Marjorie Perloff; J. H. Prynne
Executive Editor: Li Zhimin
Board of Editors: Charles Altieri; Daniel Albright; Charles Bernstein; Craig Dworkin; R. D. Gooder; Daniel Jernigan; Li Zhimin; Julia Lovell; Joyelle McSweeney; Ou Hong; Marjorie Perloff; J. H. Prynne; Claude Rawson; Joshua Scodel; John Wilkinson; Xie Ming; Zhang Yuejun; Zheng Jie.
The Second Issue contains the following
Charles Bernstein:
In Unum Pluribus: Toward a More Perfect Invention
Ou Hong:
Literature Teaching Overseas: A Culture-Loaded Process
Marjorie Perloff:
Becoming a Critic: An Academic Memoir
J. H. Prynne
Poetry and Sympathy: An Example from Coleridge
Second Issue will be published in March of 2012
For further information write to the Editors atEnglish Poetry Studies Institute, School of Foreign Languages,
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, 510275, P. R. China
epsians2011 ---@ --- gmail.com