Charles Bernstein reading in Vienna, Sept. 7, 2012, with Versatroium

Vienna, September 7, 2013, at Ephemeropterae XII, TBA 21, Augarten, Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary
with Versatorium

00:40 Incantation by Laugher (Khlebnikov)
01:58 The Lie of Art

from All the Whiskey In Heaven:
05:20 Azoot D'Puund
10:26 Rivulet of the Dead Jew
11:08 Doggy Bag
12:36 from "Today's Not Opposite Day" (Nonny)
13:26: In Particular
19:20 every lake
20:25 from Shadowtime

36:46 Johnny Cake Hollow -- 4 versions / translations with Versatorium from Vienna, followed by source poem …
43:46 The Elfking
46:52 Sapphics (from Recalculating)
47:34 Morality (from Recalculating)
49:14 Fare Thee Well
50:02 Chimera (from Recalculating)
51:30 Wherever Angels Go (from All the Whiskey in Heaven)