Bruce Andrews: Symposium and Reading at Fordham
plus big new web archive & video portrait

Bruce Andrews
We'd just come to the party after Anne and Tonya's reading. Bruce'd just turned 60 on April 1. ... The Iraq war was five years old.
April 12, 2009
video portrait by Charles Bernstein
Andrews Symposium and Reading at Fordham
New date:
Friday December 7, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
South Lounge, Lincoln Center Campus
113 W. 60th Street
New York, NY 10023
Charles Bernstein (moderator), Michael Golston, Laura Hinton, Peter Nicholls, Bob Perelman, and Paul Stephens.
After the 90-minute panel and a short reception, Andrews will read from his work.
The Fordham Web page includes new web version of work
Andrews, including these new on-line items:
"L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E”: forthcoming in The Little Magazine in America
“Reader Repo,” Talk from Rethinking Poetics Conference, pp 94-97 + Talk PDF
Q & A, after U.C. Berkeley Reading, at 1 hr. 16’
“Meaning, Method, Motive: Empire & so-called Language Writing” + Talk in Convolutions
“Reading Lines Linear How to Mean” in A Broken Thing: Poets on the Line
“Hearing Ends in Darkness” (essay as liner notes for Jarrod Fowler's 2008 album, "'Percussion' as Percussion")
“Constructivism Mystery” in Vertov from Z to A, ed. Ahwesh & Sanborn
“What’s the Word” for Zukofsky Conference
“Reading Notes”
“Brechtian V-Effect Updated: Implications for Poetic Praxis”