Charles Bernstein: The Poetry of Idiomatic Insistences
A special issue of boundary 2

Charles Bernstein: The Poetry of Idiomatic Insistences, edited by Paul Bové, focusses, mostly, on international contexts, including forewords to translated editions (translated for the first time), interviews, and a review of Topsy-Turvy.
boundary 2, Volume 48, Number 4
308 pp., $12 -- November 2021
Order from: Duke University Press, Bridge Street Books, and Amazon
Or read on-line with library access to Duke journals.
boundary 2 video launch, moderated by Paul Bové, with Yunte Huang (US), Abigail Lang (France), and Runa Bandyopadhyay (India)
Paul A. Bové / Editor’s Note
Charles Bernstein / Gertrude and Ludwig’s Bogus Adventure
Luigi Ballerini / Gertrude and Ludwig’s Italian Adventure
Bernstein & Various Voices / Cento: Voices Around the World
Bernstein / Interview with Natalia Fedorova (Russia)
Bernstein / Interview with Ali Calderon (Mexico)
Bernstein / Introduction to Chinese Anthology of American Poetry
Marjorie Perloff / Introduction to Charles Bernstein’s Distinguished WenQin Yao Lectures at
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
Pierre Joris / The Well-Hung & Well-Stretched Language-Tongues of New York
Leevi Lehto / Charles Bernstein: Against the Idea of Poetry
Leevi Lehto / In the Un-American Tree; The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poetries and Their
Aftermath, with a Special Reference to Charles Bernstein Translated
Dennis Büscher-Ulbrich / “Nothing tires a vision more than sundry attacks / in the manner of
enclosure”: An Afterword to Angriff der Schwierigen Gedichte
Enrique Winter / Exordium
Abigail Lang / Bail Out Poetry
Jean-Marie Gleize / Afterword to Pied bot
Susan Howe / Remarks at the Retirement Celebration for Charles Bernstein
Charles Bernstein / Your Brain on Poetry: The Making of the Poetics Program
Yi Feng / The Epiphany of Language: The Connotation of Zen-Taoism in Charles Bernstein’s
Ariel Resnikoff / A Source Which Is Also a Translation: Toward an Expanded-Yiddish Poetics,
with Special Reference to Charles Bernstein
Ian Probstein / Charles Bernstein: Avant-Garde Is a Constant Renewal
Runa Bandyopadhyay / Pataquericalism: Quantum Coherence Between the East and West
Yunte Huang / Ten Plus Ways of Reading Charles Bernstein: Improvisations on Aphoristic
Brian Stefans / This Working Title Will Be Replaced: Charles Bernstein’s Forever Forthcoming
(on Topsy-Turvy)
N.B. Cento: Voices Around the World, interviews:
Romina Freschi (Argentina)
Versatorium, Der Standard (Austria)
Philip Davenport (England)
Maurizio Medo (Peru)
Alcir Pecora and Régis Bonvicino (Brazil)
Paata Shamugia (Georgia)
Runa Bandyopadhyay (W. Bengal)
Habib Tengour (Algeria/Paris)
Mariano Peyrou, El Mundo (Spain)