Charles Bernstein
recorded in New York on Feb. 7, 2012
Charles Bernstein (pt 1) from David (Jhave) Johnston on Vimeo.
part 1 video on PennSound
Charles Bernstein (pt 2) from David (Jhave) Johnston on Vimeo.
part 2 video on PennSound
Charles Bernstein reads “Pinky’s Rule” from David (Jhave) Johnston on Vimeo. (Video on PennSound.)
An animated drawing of “Pinky’s Rule” by Amy Sillman and Bernstein, 2011 can be viewed here.
Jhave’s related video intereviews for CAPTA (conversations about poets on technology) with Christian Bok, John Cayley, Brian Stefans, Steve McCaffery, Christopher Funkhouser, JR Carpenter, Andrew Klobucar, and Video on PennSound.