Charles Bernstein
The Capilano Review Fall 2013 now out
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Issue 3.21 features:
- poems by Sina Queyras, rob mclennan, Sylvia Legris, and others
- a short story by George Bowering: read an excerpt here
- images and text from Michael Turner's guest-curated show "A Postcard from Victoria" including work by Geoffrey Farmer, Julia Freyer, Raymond Boisjoly, and others
- poems and scores from Michael Park and Ray Hsu's venturesome Art Song Lab: listen to the accompanying recordings here
plus Robert McTavish's interview with me on Charles Olson and the Vancouver Poetry Conference 1963, made as part of his film on the conference, The Line Has Shattered: read an excerpt from the interview here
- Susan Bee and I are feaured in an earlier issue of TCR with an interview on our living near Vancouver in 1973, which includes early paintings by Susan and poems by me.