Essential Foreman: Two new books by Richard Foreman

The Manifestos and Essays  from Theater Communications Group -- includes all Foreman's early essays, starting in 1972 (from Performance, October, TDR, PAJ) plus two new interviews and "film notes."

Plays with Films
, ed.
 Rainer J. Han­she, intro.  George Hunka . Texts of the final three productions of Richard Fore­man’s On­to­log­i­cal-Hys­teric The­ater at St. Mark’s Church-in-the-Bow­ery: Zom­boid! (2006), Wake Up Mr. Sleepy! Your Un­con­scious Mind is Dead! (2007), and Deep Trance Be­hav­ior in Pota­toland (2008).

Ontological Hysteric Theater page
PennSound page (including Close Listening shows)
EPC page
Charles Bernstein in conversation with Richard Foreman