Buffalo cfp — 'Poetics: (The Next) 25 Years' conference, April 9–10, 2016
from Cristanne Miller, Myung Mi Kim, and Judith Goldman.
(I plan to be at the conference.)
*Please find below* a Call for Papers for a University at Buffalo English Department Poetics Program conference. This conference will be preceded by a Friday April 8 Robert Creeley Lecture. This is the inaugural lecture in what will become an annual lectureship in poetry and poetics, and in 2016 will include a community celebration and presenters on Creeley's translation into and reception by the French. More information about these events (free and open to the public) will be forthcoming at a later date. Please feel free to circulate the Call for Papers.
The Poetics Program at the University at Buffalo invites the submission of papers or workshop topics for a conference marking its 25th anniversary and looking toward the future of the field. “Poetics: (The Next) 25 Years” convenes an occasion for intensive reflection on the possibilities and agencies poetry and poetics bring to bear on trajectories of the now and histories-to-be. We envision a conference that consists primarily of discussion: papers will be short (10-12 minutes); there will be no plenary speakers and no introductions. Seminar workshops will enable intensive conversation on particular topics in small groups. Panel presentations will propose material and ideas for continuing discussion with all participants.
Among other topics, we hope to engender conversation on:
--Poetry/Poetics as interdisciplinary exploration (eco-poetics & bio-politics; poetics of the political economy of affect)
--Poetry/Poetics as trans- and cross-cultural, including poetry in alternate writing systems
--Poetry/Poetics and media technologies, including history of the book
--Poetry/Poetics and contemporary events, subjunctive histories
--Poetry/Poetics as investigation of social difference and hierarchy, especially as produced, policed, and undone by language
--Poetry/Poetics as (in)comprehension of planetary crisis
You may submit an individual paper (250-word proposal) or a topic for a seminar-workshop (350-word proposal).
Papers: 10-12-minutes, each panel with 4-5 speakers, to be followed by 30-50 min. discussion Please be sure to note "fellow-travelers" with whom you'd like to present. Feel free to suggest possible panel topics.
Note: Anyone who submits a paper proposal that is accepted but cannot be accommodated into a panel slot will be invited either to participate in a proposed seminar or to lead a seminar on the toic of the proposed paper.
***Paper proposals due: September 15th**
Seminar-workshops: brief (5-7 page) papers will be circulated in advance of the conference; there will be no formal presentations during the seminars, which will consist of discussion among participants. Please be sure in sending the proposal to note those whom you've invited to be participants in your seminar. Seminar participation will be limited to 15, although the coordinator at discretion may allow up to 5 guests who do not contribute papers.
***Seminar proposals due: September 15th***
Submitters will be informed of acceptance either as seminar leaders or paper presenters by October 1st. A call will then go out to solicit participation in the seminars.
Proposals for seminar papers due: November 1st
Submitters will be informed of participation by December 1st.
Send proposals to
Cristanne Miller at ccmiller
Myung Mi Kim at mmkim
Judith Goldman at judithgo
all @Buffalo.Edu