Charles Bernstein
Dominique Fourcade and Charles Bernstein in conversation on modernism, abstraction, & Stein
Dominique Fourcade and Charles Bernstein in conversation
"La poétique, l'écriture de la poésie et l'invention du modernism"
(Poetics, the writing of poetry, and the invention of modernism)
presentated at the Gertrude Stein and the Arts conference, which was part of the Matisse, Cézanne, Picasso... L’aventure des Stein
at the Grand Palais in Paris (same as "The Steins Collect" at SF MoMA now at the Met (in NY).
Oct. 21, 2011. (1:05:45): MP3
the conversation in entirely in English
courtesy PennSound
Bernstein notes for the conversation: pdf
second of three pages
Dominque Fourcade on PennSound, including Close Listening conversation.
Stein by Picabia, around 1937