
Archive of detainee artwork May 31, 2019
Guantánamo Bay library catalog May 31, 2019
Letter from the Department of Defense May 31, 2019
Tilde Acuña Zine qua non
Jun 20, 2019
Jennifer Aglio Myung Mi Kim’s performance of language Apr 12, 2013
Chris Alexander Current status Feb 05, 2016
Sandra Alland Introduction Oct 11, 2012
Sandra Alland Lady Lingual
An introduction to Adeena Karasick
Mar 29, 2013
Sam Amico Reminiscence
On Tom Weatherly and Kenneth Bluford, 1972
Sep 06, 2019
Magda Andrews-Hoke What we lack in knowing we make up for in syntax
An introduction to new recordings of Larry Price’s poetry
Feb 12, 2024
Aaron Apps An affective response
On canon, Kenneth Goldsmith, and reading
Feb 05, 2016
Mesbah Alam Arghya ‘Woodense’: A close twinning May 21, 2012
Louis Armand Poetry and the unpoetic Sep 07, 2012
Bob Arnold The man who always was
On Cid Corman
Dec 24, 2012
John Ashbery Reminiscence
On Tom Weatherly, October 2014
Sep 06, 2019
Miriam Atkin ‘to be a boundless reflection’
On critical composition in Hejinian and Scalapino’s ‘Sight’ and ‘Hearing’
Dec 12, 2022
Phil Baber Prosody and pain in ‘Scherzos Benjyosos’ Jun 14, 2023
Jan Baetens Perloff and/in France Nov 08, 2012
Omar Baig Notes on nonsense Jan 09, 2020
Subhro Bandopadhyay Fence consciousness May 21, 2012
Angelica Maria Barraza (Un)Disciplining the ethnographer’s body
The poetics of opacity in Renee Gladman's Ravicka series
Jan 07, 2021
Polina Barskova Poetry after the Siege of Leningrad
Montage, ekphrasis, allegory
Aug 08, 2014
Kacper Bartczak On Różewicz and contemporary Polish poetry Nov 24, 2015
derek beaulieu Poetic representations of the holocaust Apr 29, 2012
Caleb Beckwith Angelo Suárez’s ‘Philippine English’ and the language of Conceptual writing Feb 05, 2016
Melanie Bell Speaking together against the fixed
Lisa Robertson on poetry as citizenship
Mar 29, 2013
Kyle Bella Queering racialized bodies
Disidentity in the works of Akilah Oliver and Ronaldo Wilson
Jul 01, 2013
Steve Benson What nothing is in here?
The novel in a virtual absentia
Oct 04, 2013
Levi Bentley Belief in iterative growth, a breath work Apr 13, 2018
Jeffrey Bergfalk ‘yet another order / of the closeness we had found’ Nov 18, 2014
Caroline Bergvall Four wheels and a broken glass Nov 08, 2012
Bill Berkson Circa 1966 Mar 01, 2013
Bill Berkson Schuyler entries Jun 30, 2012
Charles Bernstein Gertrude Stein taunts Hitler in 1934 and 1945
(Sieg heil, sieg heil, right in der Fuehrer's face.)
May 09, 2012
Charles Bernstein On Larry Eigner, ‘On My Eyes’ May 02, 2011
Charles Bernstein Ways of reading: Marjorie Perloff and the sublimity of pragmatic criticism Nov 08, 2012
Anselm Berrigan Poetry as music
A different way of thinking
Mar 01, 2013
Robert Bertholf On John Taggart’s ‘There Are Birds’ Jun 18, 2014
Robert Bertholf On Kenneth Irby’s ‘The Intent On: Collected Poems, 1962–2006’ Nov 18, 2014
Gregory Betts Not against expression Mar 29, 2013
Julia Bloch Epic silence
On Myung Mi Kim’s ‘Under Flag’
Apr 12, 2013
Kenneth Bluford Essay with Tom Weatherly in it Sep 06, 2019
Christian Bök To ward off a diabolical poetry Mar 23, 2017
Daniel Bouchard A little yod and a rocking enormity
Reading ‘Drafts’
Dec 14, 2011
Kevin Bowen Reclaiming Corman
Cid Corman's Dorchester past
Dec 24, 2012
Peter Boyle José Kozer’s stylistics
Religion, the surreal, and the neobaroque
Jun 28, 2016
Steve Bradbury Have net, will travel
The new face of Chinese poetry
Apr 02, 2011
Sean Braune Hannah Weiner and the limit experience of language Jun 20, 2019
Susan Briante Defacing the monument
Rukeyser's innovations in docupoetics
Apr 21, 2014
Vincent Broqua Stephen Ratcliffe’s ‘[where late the sweet] BIRDS SANG’
Or, writing through Shakespeare's sonnets
Oct 20, 2011
Olivier Brossard Richard O. Moore’s poésie-vérité documentaries Jan 23, 2020
Elizabeth-Jane Burnett ‘Swims’
Body, ritual, and erasure
Feb 05, 2016
Edward Burns A letter to the editor
‘The Nation,’ 1987
May 09, 2012
Edward Burns Gertrude Stein: A complex itinerary, 1940–1944 May 09, 2012
Edward Burns Gertrude Stein: September 1942–September 1944
From 'The Letters of Gertrude Stein and Thornton Wilder'
May 09, 2012
Peter Burzyński Translitigation
A Polish-ish poet on translating a Polish poet
Aug 23, 2022
Louis Cabri Unanimism and the crowd
Early modern social lyric
Nov 09, 2011
Marty Cain 'It Wasn't a Dream, It Was a Flood'
Approaching realness in Frank Stanford
Jul 15, 2015
Sarah Campbell 'Reported ocean'
One or more voices out loud
Apr 12, 2013
Teresa Carmody On small press publishing Sep 25, 2013
J. R. Carpenter Wanderkammer
A walk through texts
Nov 01, 2011
Julie Carr Nothing but passage, for Lyn Hejinian May 13, 2024
Julie Carr The poet-scholar
A list
Jun 08, 2015
Julie Carr Three future dances, or the dance feministic Apr 13, 2018
Samantha Carrick 'Maybe, it is only on Earth / that we lose the body?'
Williams and the decaying body
Apr 15, 2015
Natalia Cecire Sentimental spaces
On Mei-mei Berssenbrugge's 'Nest'
May 23, 2011
Joseph Ceravolo Letter to David Shapiro, 6/29/65 Mar 01, 2013
Margaret Christakos No, MY Ariel
An engagement with Sina Queyras's 'My Ariel'
Jan 16, 2019
Luis Fernando Chueca Political violence in ‘The War with Chile’
Translated by Judah Rubin
Apr 07, 2022
Circumcontentive Poets Circumcontentive poetry
An off-white paper
May 21, 2012
Shaunnah Ysabel Cledera 'Intimate' texts against the state as emergency Jun 20, 2019
Tanya Clement The Baroness in little magazine history May 05, 2011
Georgina Colby Forms of solidarity Apr 13, 2018
Stephen Collis On embedded poetry Aug 07, 2015
Stephen Collis The call to be disobedient
On Michael Nardone
Oct 06, 2016
David A. Colón Avant-Latino poetry Jun 26, 2014
Cyrus Console 'Study is the gate': A conversation about Ken Irby Nov 18, 2014
James Cook 'To find out for yourself'
Maximus at Gloucester High School
Dec 24, 2012
Matthew Cooperman 'Surroundings answer questions'
Experimental pastoralisms in O’Brien and Taggart
Jun 18, 2014
William Corbett A few words on James Schuyler Jun 30, 2012
William Corbett Larry Eigner, an advertisement Dec 24, 2012
Joshua Corey Three pebbles
Or, the minimal materialisms of late modernism
Feb 18, 2019
Bonnie Costello The plural of us
Uses and abuses of an ambiguous pronoun
Jan 06, 2012
Randall Couch On the art of Susan Stewart Nov 29, 2012
Alejandro Crawford Blunt Objects Feb 05, 2016
Michael Cross Stephen Ratcliffe's 'Hamlet' Oct 20, 2011
Maria Damon Desiring visual texts
A collage and embroidery dialogue
Mar 25, 2013
Maria Damon On Bob Kaufman, 'Does the Secret Mind Whisper?' May 03, 2011
Maria Damon Poetry isolation and collective clumsiness
An antonymic exploration
Sep 25, 2013
Solveig Daugaard Stein's propagandistic potential
A note on Gertrude Stein's 'La langue française' and 'Patrie'
Jan 04, 2019
Alan Davies I think I understand Emma Bee Bernstein Dec 09, 2011
Alan Davies Never without
On Diane Ward
Apr 09, 2012
Raymond de Borja Lineated time
Some thoughts on the line in poetry
Sep 18, 2019
Thomas DePietro I to eye
Self and society in the poetry of Lawrence Joseph
Feb 09, 2012
Thomas Devaney Inverting the middle
Turning points in 'Drafts'
Dec 14, 2011
Anne Dewey Projecting Amy Lowell
Olsonian poetics of the body in Rosmarie Waldrop's 'A Form / of Taking / It All'
Dec 24, 2012
Georges Didi-Huberman Poetic uprisings
Poetry, knowledge, imagination
Oct 19, 2016
Gaby Divay The German Baroness
Else Baroness von Freytag-Loringhoven's German poetry
Jun 02, 2011
Joseph Donahue Approaching Taggart chapel
Ritual, Rothko, and poetic form
Jun 18, 2014
Thom Donovan A grave in exchange for the commons
Fred Moten and the resistance of the object
Apr 06, 2011
Thom Donovan Somatic poetics Oct 18, 2011
Sarah Dowling Reloading the canon
On Lillian Allen and the history of dub
Oct 06, 2016
Dave Drayton monoconsonance Jun 20, 2019
Johanna Drucker 'From A to Z'
Forty years later
Aug 11, 2017
Johanna Drucker 'Radical Artifice' Nov 08, 2012
Heather Dubrow Two roads diverged?
Bridging the roles of scholar and poet
Jun 08, 2015
Robert Duncan Robert Duncan's notes on Ron Silliman's 'Opening' May 16, 2011
Jim Dunn The old brick city by the Atlantic
John Wieners's Boston haunts
Dec 24, 2012
Gregory Dunne All the meaning life provides
Excerpts from Cid Corman’s notebooks
Dec 01, 2023
Rachel Blau DuPlessis On Frank O'Hara, 'Second Avenue' May 02, 2011
Rachel Blau DuPlessis Reading and hearing ‘Drafts’ Jul 11, 2024
Rachel Blau DuPlessis Theorizing the alphabet
On Steve McCaffery's 'Nichol's Graphic Cratylism'
Oct 06, 2016
Patrick F. Durgin Disaster and revival
On Cha, Goldsmith, Pendleton
Feb 05, 2016
Patrick F. Durgin New life writing Feb 14, 2012
Craig Dworkin A note on Conceptualism Sep 25, 2013
Kristin Dykstra Dispatch from Havana: Ricardo Alberto Perez Oct 14, 2013
Kristin Dykstra The sea doesn't have to be a wall Dec 01, 2016
Jacob Edmond Everybody's a genius
Conceptual writing and community
Sep 25, 2013
Sarah Ehlers Robert Duncan’s dream school Jun 28, 2024
Maude Emerson James Schuyler's 'Freely Espousing' Jun 30, 2012
Lori Emerson Social media, for social justice
On Erin Wunker's 'Technological Subjects'
Oct 06, 2016
Andrew Epstein 'Building a nest out of torn up letters'
James Schuyler, trash, and the poetics of collage
Jun 30, 2012
Logan Esdale Barbara Will, unliking Stein, and scholarly malpractice Jul 23, 2018
George Evans Bashō's Pheasant
Cid Corman and Kyōto
Dec 24, 2012
Kate Fagan Murdering alphabets, disorienting romance
John Tranter and postmodern poetics
Apr 04, 2011
Daniel Falb A note on terrapoetics Feb 05, 2016
Elena Fanailova Lena and Lena Jan 17, 2013
Cecily Fasham ‘devising of depe renewall’
Caroline Bergvall’s transhistorical translation
Jul 15, 2022
Curtis Faville Commentary on Larry Eigner's 'On My Eyes'
A response to Charles Bernstein's 1960 symposium presentation
May 03, 2011
Curtis Faville The text as an image of itself Dec 24, 2012
J. Gordon Faylor Marjorie Perloff: A bibliographic essay Nov 08, 2012
J. Gordon Faylor On dakim's '34 Fragments' Feb 05, 2016
John Felstiner Maverick translation Nov 21, 2014
Derek Fenner Gerrit Lansing: A personal reliquary
Or, notes toward an essay
Dec 24, 2012
Al Filreis Flipped poetics and the resources (such as they are) of the academy Sep 25, 2013
Al Filreis Introduction to the poetry and poetics of 1960 May 09, 2011
Al Filreis Jerome Rothenberg: The real revolution is tragic Dec 10, 2011
Al Filreis Poetry in 1960, a symposium: Question and answer session May 04, 2011
Al Filreis Stanley Burnshaw comes to PennSound Jun 28, 2011
Al Filreis The unprepared future of an exophonic refugee Nov 08, 2012
Thomas Fink Reading Joe Ceravolo's 'Migratory Noon' with Ron Silliman Mar 01, 2013
Norman Finkelstein Ground zero Baudelaire
'Into It' and the poetics of shock
Feb 09, 2012
Norman Finkelstein On Harvey Shapiro's 'A Momentary Glory' Sep 02, 2014
Jessyka Finley 'How I got ovah'
Humor and discontent in women's poetry of the Black Arts Movement
Sep 25, 2013
Norman Fischer A note on the visual poetry of Whalen, Grenier, and Lazer May 23, 2014
Norman Fischer On 'Portraits & Repetition' Oct 20, 2011
Jessica Fisher The ongoing May 14, 2024
Piotr Florczyk On Różewicz and Wojciech Bonowicz Nov 24, 2015
Darek Foks Różewicz, close to reality Nov 24, 2015
Stephen Fredman 'The Poetics of Indeterminacy: Rimbaud to Cage' Nov 08, 2012
Benjamin Friedlander The walk to the Paradise Garden Nov 18, 2014
Chris Funkhouser Being matter recorded
Cecil Taylor on/poetry
Feb 20, 2017
Chris Funkhouser Bringing Harry Mathews to PennSound (and you) May 05, 2011
Chris Funkhouser On Jackson Mac Low, 'Stanzas for Iris Lezak'
Mac Low as a shadow beatnik
Apr 27, 2011
Chris Funkhouser Peter Lamborn Wilson: A PennSound archive Dec 22, 2015
Derek Furr Total translation
Navajo song and the story of US modernism
May 02, 2017
Kristen Gallagher Notes toward an anthropological process Feb 05, 2016
Kristen Gallagher On LeRoi Jones, 'Preface to A Twenty-Volume Suicide Note' Apr 27, 2011
Rebecca Gaydos Undecidable: a remembrance for Lyn May 14, 2024
Angela Genusa Manifest Feb 05, 2016
John Geraets these are my eyes: Michele Leggott’s poetry
With ‘A Vida Portugeusa,’ a new poem by Michele Leggott
Mar 07, 2023
Susan Gevirtz Outer Event Apr 12, 2013
Sukanta Ghosh The circumcontent of science and poetry May 21, 2012
Steve Giasson 'I'M A REAL ARTIST' Feb 05, 2016
Jean-Marie Gleize Democracy Apr 10, 2014
Ariel Goldberg The view from performance
A report from the Marin Headlands
Oct 20, 2011
Alan Golding Drafts and fragments
Rachel Blau DuPlessis's (counter-) Poundian project
Dec 14, 2011
Judith Goldman On Gwendolyn Brooks, 'The Bean Eaters' Apr 29, 2011
Silvia Goldman The leftover letter is the missing one
Roger Santiváñez’s ‘Symbol,’ translated by Judah Rubin
Apr 07, 2022
Kenneth Goldsmith On Brion Gysin, 'Minutes to Go' Apr 28, 2011
Laura Goldstein Concept
Constraint and construction, body as page
Feb 05, 2016
Mark Goldstein Constant renewal
Nicole Brossard at Kelly Writers House
Mar 29, 2013
Laura Goldstein Mobilizing the POLI and languages of the Internet populace
Jul 14, 2011
Benjamin Goluboff Heller's 'Dianoia'
A briefing
Aug 29, 2018
Rita Gonzalez On 'Area Sneaks' Feb 05, 2016
Hillary Gravendyk Uses of the useless
Against the division of poetry and scholarship
Jun 08, 2015
Robert Grenier For Kenneth Irby / 'The Intent On' (January–May 2012) Nov 18, 2014
Robert Grenier On 'Selected Days' Oct 20, 2011
David Grundy 'never muted heart'
Tom Weatherly's trespass
Sep 06, 2019
Barbara Guest Typescript of two early poems by Barbara Guest
'Escape' and 'The Inhabitants'
Jun 15, 2011
Alexis Pauline Gumbs Angel's Basic School
d'bi.young anitafrika and black queer divinity
Oct 06, 2016
Jacek Gutorow Różewicz and the organic Nov 24, 2015
Piotr Gwiazda 'A naked singularity'
James Merrill and identity politics
Sep 25, 2013
Piotr Gwiazda Grzegorz Wróblewski and Różewicz Nov 24, 2015
Luke Harley Words that bleed music
Postbop jazz in the poetry of Amiri Baraka and Nathaniel Mackey
Jan 16, 2018
Joseph Harrington Docupoetry and archive desire Oct 27, 2011
Joseph Harrington Kansas and/or Oz
The poetry of Kenneth Irby and Ronald Johnson
Nov 18, 2014
Kaplan Harris On Weiner, Acconci, Perreault, and Graham Feb 05, 2016
Kaplan Harris The Small Press Traffic school of dissimulation
New Narrative, New Sentence, New Left
Apr 07, 2011
Stefania Heim Trespass and presumption
Susan Howe and Muriel Rukeyser
Sep 25, 2013
Lyn Hejinian 'We might say poetry' Nov 18, 2014
Michael Heller from 'The Premises of Poetry' Aug 29, 2018
Michael S. Hennessey On Daisy Aldan, 'A New Folder' Apr 28, 2011
Mary Hickman Defaced/refaced books
The erasure practices of Jen Bervin and Mary Ruefle
Sep 18, 2014
Laura Hinton Spatial motion
On Leslie Scalapino's 'How Phenomena Appear to Unfold/the Hind'
Dec 30, 2014
Jen/Eleana Hofer Dear L. May 14, 2024
Matthew Hofer On evaluation, reflection, and revelation Nov 18, 2014
Eric Hoffman Clarity and sincerity
Disillusionment in George Oppen's postwar poetic
Nov 08, 2012
Cynthia Hogue On being 'ill'-informed
H.D.'s late modernist poetics (of) d'espère
Jul 09, 2018
Cynthia Hogue ‘The fact of her witness’
Kathleen Fraser and the poetics of empathic witness
Jan 25, 2022
Susan Holbrook M. NourbeSe Philip's unrecoverable subjects Mar 29, 2013
Chris Holdaway A spring in one's death
Or: a fountain of youth/doom in (Middle English) lyric
Jun 20, 2019
Bruce Holsapple Voices of my desert
An introduction to the Vox Audio collection at PennSound
Jan 30, 2024
Akua Lezli Hope Poem and reminiscence Sep 06, 2019
Ray Hsu Another day: Derksen v. America Mar 29, 2013
Marco Antonio Huerta 'Antígona González'
On necrowritings and disappropriation
Feb 05, 2016
Ken Irby April 17, 1966 Nov 18, 2014
Ken Irby April 30, 1963 Nov 18, 2014
Ken Irby April 8, 1963 Nov 18, 2014
Ken Irby December 26, 1965 Nov 18, 2014
Ken Irby February 12, 1971 Nov 18, 2014
Ken Irby February 12, 1974 Nov 18, 2014
Ken Irby January 16, 1963 Nov 18, 2014
Ken Irby July 7, 1966 Nov 18, 2014
Ken Irby Kenneth Irby visits Carl O. Sauer and James C. Malin Nov 18, 2014
Ken Irby May 14, 1972 Nov 18, 2014
Ken Irby October 21, 1964 Nov 18, 2014
Ken Irby September 12, 1963 Nov 18, 2014
Ken Irby September 27, 1973 Nov 18, 2014
Kenneth R. James Mirror and maze
Editing the journals of Samuel R. Delany
Feb 12, 2015
Laura Jaramillo 'Desire' and time Dec 17, 2014
Jerzy Jarniewicz Reticence: On Różewicz Nov 24, 2015
Paul Jaussen Envoy: Postings on the digital life poem Dec 14, 2011
Jeff T. Johnson 'Trouble Songs'
A musicological poetics
May 18, 2015
Jeff T. Johnson Janky materiality
Artifice and interface
Sep 13, 2019
Eleanor Johnson My life, my Lyn, and the power of undead mentors May 13, 2024
Pierre Joris Irby's very own North Atlantic turbine Nov 18, 2014
Lawrence Joseph Notions of poetry and narration Feb 09, 2012
Elisabeth Joyce Time-lapse poemography
Ron Silliman's poetry of accretion
Jan 08, 2015
Adeena Karasick Exile and nomadicism
Communi[]t[] manifesto
Sep 25, 2013
Leon Katz A response to 'Gertrude Stein's Translations of Speeches by Philippe Petain' May 10, 2013
RE Katz Critical color theory
On Angelica Dass and Divya Victor
Feb 05, 2016
Vincent Katz Poems from '6x6' vis-a-vis a poem by Joe Ceravolo Mar 01, 2013
erica kaufman On Barbara Guest, 'The Location of Things' Apr 28, 2011
David Kaufmann James Schuyler's specimen days Jun 30, 2012
Anna Kałuża A world according to G.W.
On Grzegorz Wróblewski
Jan 09, 2012
Douglas Kearney Repetition and revulsion Feb 05, 2016
Eric Keenaghan Openings: Some notes on the political in 'Drafts' Dec 14, 2011
Lynn Keller a.rawlings: Ecopoetic intersubjectivity Jul 21, 2015
Lynn Keller ‘A useful extreme’
Wendy Burk's representation of human-plant communication
Jul 01, 2021
Kaie Kellough mantra of no return
a dialogue with Lee Maracle's keynote address
Oct 06, 2016
Jake Kennedy Why is Jordan Scott? Mar 29, 2013
Nathan Kernan Past = past
Some notes on James Schuyler's 'Salute'
Jun 30, 2012
Matt Kilbane An indexical lyric Dec 09, 2016
Burt Kimmelman The blues, Tom Weatherly, and the American canon Sep 06, 2019
Burt Kimmelman The dead and the living
Hugh Seidman’s late poems
Jan 31, 2020
M A King ‘Bands Around the Throat,’ J. H. Prynne, racial capitalism
Dec 01, 2021
Shiv Kotecha Little-Richards Feb 05, 2016
Tom Kozlowski Sited
On Jenny Xie and the fate of the flâneur
Nov 11, 2019
Dylan W. Krieger Morettian 'abstract models' for poetry analysis Sep 11, 2014
Petra Kuppers EcoSomatics archive
Field notes from the 2020 EcoSomatics Symposium
May 06, 2022
Sonnet L'Abbé Proc[edur]ession, a cross Mar 29, 2013
Ivan Emil Labayne Letting the toilets come clean Jun 20, 2019
Kimberly Lamm Readymade Baroness
The gendered language of Dadaist dress
Jun 02, 2011
Mark Lamoureux What Gerrit gives us Dec 24, 2012
Matthew Landis 'Corpaphysics, Conceptualism, and dualism Feb 05, 2016
Dorothea Lasky Breathing a fire of risk
Kunitz and Guest in the KWH 1960 symposium
May 04, 2011
Sophia Le Fraga Imagine Brown Feb 05, 2016
Sueyeun Juliette Lee 한 :: Concept : Spirit : Break Feb 05, 2016
Michael Leong Bad combinations
Flarf, Amiri Baraka, paranoia, and cultural memory
Jun 20, 2019
Ruth Lepson 'Nor … ever some place else': Wieners in Boston Dec 24, 2012
Rachelle Katz Lerner Rexroth's 'The Dragon and the Unicorn' Dec 24, 2012
Sandra Lim Three looks Dec 09, 2013
Ira Livingston Erotic particularity, metacognition, survival
Of Samuel Delany
Feb 12, 2015
Peter Longofono [On Ken Irby] Nov 18, 2014
Antonio López Ídolos among us
The innovative aesthetics of contemporary US Latinx poets
Feb 11, 2020
Denise Low Sensory type/topographies
Ken Irby's atlas to the world
Nov 18, 2014
John Lowney 'Why not say what happens?'
Modernism, traumatic memory, and Lawrence Joseph's 'Into It'
Feb 09, 2012
Kimberly Lyons Closer to everything
An appreciation of Joseph Ceravolo
Mar 01, 2013
Marit MacArthur The skinny on Schuyler's line Jun 30, 2012
Aditi Machado On Etel Adnan's 'The Arab Apocalypse' Nov 30, 2016
Nathaniel Mackey From 'From a Broken Bottle Traces of Perfume Still Emanate' Dec 17, 2014
Robert Majzels The Xenotext Experiment and the gift of death
'Eunoia' patanoia patadox patadise
Mar 29, 2013
Christodoulos Makris Monoculture beer no more
Other poetries from Ireland
Aug 21, 2014
Afrizal Malna Strolling around in language
translated by Daniel Owen
Jul 14, 2020
C. J. Martin How to mourn-touch
The redactive prosodies of Rachel Blau DuPlessis
Dec 14, 2011
C. J. Martin On 'Penury' Apr 12, 2013
C. J. Martin On 'Pitch,' with special reference to 'Hard Copy' Dec 14, 2011
Chris Martin On 'Short History of the Saxophone' Sep 06, 2019
Siwar Masannat A constellation of transnational poetics Jan 26, 2023
John Mateer 'Invictus' and the negotiated revolution
Or Clint Eastwood's idea of the lyric poem
Jul 15, 2013
Brandy Nālani McDougall Christianity, civilization, colonialism, and other diseases
The poetry of Haunani-Kay Trask
Mar 29, 2011
Jerome McGann On the unoriginal genius of Marjorie Perloff Nov 08, 2012
rob mclennan Some notes on Lisa Jarnot's 'Sea Lyrics' Feb 27, 2013
Fiona McMahon Michael Heller, 'The Chronicle Poet' Aug 29, 2018
Calista McRae Blurring realms
Michael Heller's New World
Aug 29, 2018
Maciej Melecki Keeping company: On Różewicz Nov 24, 2015
Germán Labrador Méndez The language of the Kloaka
Language, civil war, memory, and drugs in Roger Santiváñez’s ‘Symbol,’ translated by Judah Rubin
Apr 07, 2022
Dandi Meng The confessing image
Trisha Low’s screenshot poetics
Oct 29, 2020
Sarah Micklem A tribute to Samuel Delany Feb 12, 2015
Peter Middleton Close, very close Nov 08, 2012
David Mikics Days and nights with James Schuyler Jun 30, 2012
Tyrus Miller Spectral rescue
On Jeff Derkson and Louis Cabri
Oct 06, 2016
Heather Milne Polyvocal affects
Rachel Zolf's 'Janey’s Arcadia' in Winnipeg
Oct 06, 2016
Albert Mobilio 'Red Flash on a Black Field'
What there is in it
Dec 17, 2014
Lukas Moe ‘El corno emplumado’ and poetry’s hemispheric sixties Nov 05, 2021
Feliz Lucia Molina Selections from 'The Beginning' Feb 05, 2016
Jennifer Moore 'Something that stutters sincerely'
Contemporary poetry and the aesthetics of failure
Feb 08, 2012
J. Peter Moore Dissertation songs Dec 17, 2014
Tracie Morris A familial touchstone via 'Dhalgren' Feb 12, 2015
Tracie Morris Additional notes on Will Alexander's 'Compound Hibernation' Apr 08, 2014
Jason Morris Crystal gazing
Clark Coolidge's 'Crystal Text'
Oct 03, 2012
Tracie Morris Samuel R. Delany's worlds: An introduction Feb 12, 2015
Dee Morris Sound bytes and computer blips
Marjorie Perloff's electronic world
Nov 08, 2012
Fred Moten Amuse-bouche Feb 12, 2015
Nick Moudry Book history and the poetry reading Feb 19, 2013
Erín Moure Monster on the 'L'oose
On Ron Silliman's monsters
Oct 06, 2016
Jennifer Moxley 'Boiled Dinner'
A tasteless comedy in one act
Dec 09, 2013
Robert Mueller The time-presence prescience of Eleni Sikelianos's Pindar Apr 15, 2014
Nicolas Mugavero A pale Usher Feb 05, 2016
Aryanil Mukherjee A poetics of informationalism May 21, 2012
Efe Murad A word's autobiography
Seyhan Erözçelik's 'KırAğı' and 'Rosebud'
Mar 30, 2017
Chris Mustazza Provenance report
William Carlos Williams's 1942 reading for the NCTE
May 21, 2014
Michael Nardone On settler conceptualism Feb 05, 2016
Nhã Thuyên Open Mouth
The revolt of trash in contemporary Vietnamese poetry
Jun 20, 2019
Peter Nicholls Marjorie Perloff's twenty-first-century modernism Nov 08, 2012
Mel Nichols On Bill Berkson and Frank O'Hara, 'Hymns of St. Bridget'
Deep fun
May 02, 2011
Aldon Lynn Nielsen From 'This Ain't No Disco' Sep 06, 2019
Aldon Lynn Nielsen The day the sixties became the seventies Nov 18, 2014
Charles North A few of Schuyler's revisions Jun 30, 2012
Charles North Note to 'Wild Provoke of the Endurance Sky' Mar 01, 2013
Peter O'Leary An imaginal homage to Joseph Donahue Dec 17, 2014
Peter O'Leary The art of lyrical commentary
Michael Heller's poetic achievement
Aug 29, 2018
Peter O'Leary This poem is a song an act a work of love
Taggart and repetition
Jun 18, 2014
Kenna O'Rourke The gifts her ancestors gave
The Women’s March and black erasure
Apr 13, 2018
Maggie O'Sullivan For Marjorie Nov 08, 2012
Gabriel Ojeda-Sagué On loss, loss writing, and our forms for living Nov 09, 2022
Travis Ortiz Alligators, Hendrix, lightning storms, and the Mister-ssippi
Tales of friendship and art from the road
May 14, 2024
Gillian Osborne Lyn in landscape May 14, 2024
Jena Osman A toast to Chip Delany Feb 12, 2015
Jena Osman Playing the world Aug 31, 2012
Eugene Ostashevsky Alexander Vvedensky's 'The Soldier Ay Bee See' Aug 08, 2014
Geoffrey O'Brien The art of the unanswerable question Dec 17, 2014
Niamh O’Mahony The munificence of Trevor Joyce Feb 03, 2014
Niamh O’Mahony Trevor Joyce: A bibliography Feb 03, 2014
Ron Padgett On 'Wild Flowers Out of Gas' Mar 01, 2013
Clemente Padín The Language of Action
Translated by Zane Koss
May 14, 2021
Clemente Padín The New Poetry (1969)
Translated by Zane Koss
May 14, 2021
Clemente Padín The New Poetry II (1970) May 14, 2021
Václav Paris 'Gertrude Stein's Translations of Speeches' by Philippe Petain May 06, 2013
Josephine Park Rexroth to Kerouac May 03, 2011
Edward Pasewicz Różewicz the playwright Nov 24, 2015
Ted Pearson Bruce Andrews: 'Debauching the Sine Wave' Jan 23, 2014
Nico Peck Into friendship and poetry with Kenneth Irby Nov 18, 2014
Jenny Penberthy The very variants: A few revisions to Lorine Niedecker's 'Collected Works' Jun 24, 2013
Bob Perelman 'Drafts' and the epic moment Dec 14, 2011
Bob Perelman A Williams soundscript
Listening to ‘The Sea-Elephant’
Mar 11, 2013
Bob Perelman On Don Allen, 'The New American Poetry' Apr 29, 2011
Craig Santos Perez Signs of being
Chamoru poetry and the work of Cecilia C. T. Perez
Apr 02, 2011
Marjorie Perloff A short response to Alan Dershowitz May 09, 2012
Marjorie Perloff Joseph Donahue's 'bowls of memory' Dec 17, 2014
Marjorie Perloff Towards a conceptual lyric
From content to context
Jul 28, 2011
Holly Pester Gossip as method
The corruption of information hierarchies
Feb 05, 2016
Jennifer Phelps Mysticpoetics: Writing the alchemical self in Brenda Hillman's poetry Sep 12, 2013
M. NourbeSe Philip Wor(l)ds interrupted
The unhistory of the Kari Basin
Sep 17, 2013
Julie Phillips Brown Otherbreath
Bare life and the limits of self in Claudia Rankine's 'Citizen'
Jun 20, 2019
JH Phrydas Empathetics: A somatic approach Feb 05, 2016
Carlos A. Pittella ‘We’ the people
Collective lyric self in twenty-first-century poetry
Aug 17, 2022
Vanessa Place A fool for a lawyer or a client
On Christian Bök
Oct 06, 2016
Vanessa Place Marjorie Perloff: Die Dichtung und das Ding (poetry and the thing) Nov 08, 2012
Vanessa Place Zombie poetry Sep 25, 2013
Kevin M. F. Platt Now poet: Dmitry Golynko and the new social epic Aug 08, 2014
Marta Podgórnik Growing up to Różewicz Nov 24, 2015
Poetry & Science Panelists Basics of definition Mar 13, 2012
Alex Porco CTRL + F
Jordan Abel's 'Injun'
Oct 06, 2016
Patrick Pritchett 'All serifs are seraphim'
Midrash as the angel of history
Dec 14, 2011
Patrick Pritchett 'Giant Steps': John Taggart's sheets of sound and messianic jazz
With special reference to Theodor Adorno
Jun 18, 2014
Steve Prygoda Beginzone: 'There's Ridgeway Lane forever' (the message) Dec 24, 2012
Megan Pugh Amiable love-arrows May 13, 2024
Meredith Quartermain The Wah in water
On a reading by Fred Wah
Mar 29, 2013
Jean-Michel Rabaté 'The Futurist Moment' Nov 08, 2012
Samia Rahimtoola Lyn Hejinian, landscape artist May 14, 2024
Matthew Rana G R G W R G R B R B R B W G W G R B B B B
Reflections on Bernadette Mayer’s ‘Studying Hunger Journals’
Jun 04, 2020
Swati Rana There’s dance yet May 14, 2024
Frank D. Rashid Shifting stories, codes of violence
Two perspectives on Lawrence Joseph
Feb 09, 2012
Stephen Ratcliffe Reading 'sound' Oct 20, 2011
Stephen Ratcliffe Words as 'things' ('actions'/'events') Oct 20, 2011
Jake Reber Hysterically Real Feb 05, 2016
Brian Reed Becoming Marjorie Perloff Nov 08, 2012
Brian Reed Stanisław Dróżdż
From Conceptual poem to concept-shape
Feb 05, 2016
Pam Rehm John Taggart: From his own words Jun 18, 2014
Joan Retallack Alterity, Misogyny & the Agonistic Feminine Feb 06, 2018
Joan Retallack Joan Retallack on Stein's war years
From her introduction to 'Gertrude Stein: Selections'
May 09, 2012
Joan Retallack On 'The Poetics of Indeterminacy' Nov 08, 2012
David Rich Gerrit Lansing: Under the gazebo / evening Dec 24, 2012
Eugene Richie Reminiscence
On Thomas Elias Weatherly
Sep 06, 2019
Libbie Rifkin 'The force of an intervention'
Rachel Blau DuPlessis's response to Oppen
Dec 14, 2011
AM Ringwalt Sounding/listening through the fog
On Kathryn Scanlan and Friederike Mayröcker
Aug 17, 2020
Evelyn Hoard Roberts Tom Weatherly in 'Dictionary of Literary Biography' Sep 06, 2019
Margaret Ronda 'Outside of knowledge'
On the poet-scholar
Jun 08, 2015
Margaret Ronda Lyn, life May 14, 2024
Janet Rosen Tom Weatherly's memorial, November 2014 Sep 06, 2019
Jerome Rothenberg 1960: A first remembrance May 03, 2011
Judah Rubin What war, huh?
Subjection in/as dissolution in Roger Santiváñez’s poetics, a translator’s note
Apr 07, 2022
Raphael Rubinstein Varieties of silence, and near silence
(Jabès, Eluard, Celan, Kundera)
Jul 22, 2020
Jenny Sampirisi Sound body, sound text
On a.rawlings and Maja Jantar
Mar 29, 2013
Kaia Sand Pacific poets imagine the future
David Buuck's pre-enactments, Craig Santos Perez's truncun nunu, and Jen Coleman's vivifying prophesies
Apr 04, 2011
James Sanders Antindex
Extreme fact
Jun 20, 2019
Stephanie Sandler Arkadii Dragomoshchenko: Poet and photographer Aug 08, 2014
Claudio Sansone The poetics of the ostrakon
N. H. Pritchard’s ‘Mundus’ at the Whitney Museum
Mar 09, 2023
Aram Saroyan On Tom Weatherly, February 2017 Sep 06, 2019
Steve Savage Addendum to her howlings Mar 29, 2013
Jennifer Scappettone Against the preemptive present
Some things I learned about time, space, and school from Lyn Hejinian
May 13, 2024
Jennifer Scappettone I 0we v. I/O
Poetics of veil-piercing on a corporate planet
Dec 14, 2016
Jennifer Scappettone Introducing PennSound Italiana
Curated by Jennifer Scappettone
Jun 13, 2015
Jennifer Scappettone The thick and the slow of knowledge
On the poet-scholar
Jun 08, 2015
Andrew Schelling On Kenneth Irby and 'Catalpa' Nov 18, 2014
Lauri Scheyer (Ramey) The technological poetics of Thomas Weatherly Dec 04, 2019
Eric Schmaltz At the surface and medium-depth
Theorizing a haptic poetic
Jun 20, 2019
Kathy Lou Schultz The Chicago School, Imagism, and early poetry of Melvin Tolson Sep 25, 2013
Joshua Schuster The making of 'Tender Buttons'
Gertrude Stein's subjects, objects, and the illegible
Apr 21, 2011
Leonard Schwartz Mythography in 'Before Creation' Dec 17, 2014
Mark Scroggins Taggart: Sound and vision Jun 18, 2014
Eric Selinger Several kinds of chronicler, he's been
The books and selves of Lawrence Joseph
Feb 09, 2012
Michele Seminara Truth in the cage
The poetry of Mohammad Ali Maleki
Jun 20, 2019
Marcin Sendecki Matching Różewicz Nov 24, 2015
Martin Glaz Serup Captions without images
On Robert Fitterman's 'Holocaust Museum'
Jan 26, 2015
Lytle Shaw Lyn Hejinian (1941–2024): An obituary by Lytle Shaw Feb 29, 2024
Lytle Shaw My life in 1994 May 13, 2024
Bela Shayevich Vsevolod Nekrasov: Nothing on the page Aug 15, 2013
Ryan Sheldon Nice Dream?
Heriberto Yépez: Allegory and radical mimesis
Feb 05, 2016
Robert Sheppard Poetics and the manifesto
On Pierre Joris and Adrian Clarke
Aug 25, 2014
Frank Sherlock On Chip Delany Feb 12, 2015
Evie Shockley Is 'Zong!' conceptual poetry? Yes, it isn’t. Sep 17, 2013
Evie Shockley On the question of Joe Dec 17, 2014
Jess Shollenberger ‘An escape from daily pronouns’
S. Brook Corfman’s journal poems and the domestic life of queer gender
Jul 18, 2022
Naomi Shulman At the critical/poetic boundary
Rachel Blau DuPlessis's arguments with Adorno
Dec 14, 2011
Richard Sieburth The contemporary of our grandchildren
A view from the eighties
Nov 08, 2012
Kate Siklosi Handle with care
A study in (poetic) fragility
Jun 20, 2019
Ron Silliman On Robert Duncan, 'The Opening of the Field'
Apr 29, 2011
Ron Silliman Un-scene, ur-new
The history of the longpoem and 'The Collage Poems of Drafts'
Dec 14, 2011
Krzysztof Siwczyk Singular Różewicz Nov 24, 2015
Emily Skillings Uptick Dec 09, 2013
Maria Sledmere Gelatin poetics
On Rachael Allen’s ‘Kingdomland’ and the meatspace of contemporary feminist lyric
Jan 22, 2020
Dale Smith Kenneth Irby's homecoming Nov 18, 2014
T'ai Smith Ready-made shirts, ready-made readings Feb 05, 2016
Dale Smith Rhetoric of the everyday
Lorine Niedecker's 'Lake Superior'
Jun 22, 2015
Andrew J. Smyth Anne Tardos in high definition
Polylingualism and extremity in 'Uxudo'
Jun 20, 2019
Danny Snelson On John Cage, 'Cartridge Music' Apr 28, 2011
Mark So Farms Dec 09, 2013
Juliana Spahr The time of the poet-scholar Jun 08, 2015
Kaegan Sparks In moveme/braces
Erica Baum's 'Dog Ear'
Apr 12, 2011
Jared Spears The severity and sympathy of Ezra Pound
A newly translated 1928 letter to René Taupin
Jun 25, 2015
Claire Marie Stancek A cake for Lyn May 13, 2024
Brian Kim Stefans A poetics of virtuosity Nov 25, 2014
Lisa Steinman 'Telling the time'
Narrative and lyric in the poetry of Lawrence Joseph
Feb 09, 2012
Lisa Steinman Ordinary capaciousness
Looking forward to 1960
Jun 24, 2011
Renate Stendhal Why the witch-hunt against Gertrude Stein? May 15, 2013
M. G. Stephens Obituary
Tom Weatherly
Sep 06, 2019
Paul Stephens The transrealism of Norman Pritchard Jun 20, 2019
M. G. Stephens These poems are loaded Sep 06, 2019
Seth Stewart 'The most beautiful and truest'
Collecting the letters of John Wieners
Dec 24, 2012
Christine Stewart Responding to Fred Wah Mar 29, 2013
Sarah Stone The Plain Edition
Gertrude Stein and modernist book history
Sep 25, 2013
Nick Sturm ‘I make these collages and write’
Alice Notley's visual art
Dec 22, 2020
Angelo V. Suárez Appropriative resistance Feb 05, 2016
Angelo V. Suárez Art serves the masses by abolishing itself
Philippine poetry and institutional critique in a time of protracted people's war
Jun 20, 2019
Angelo V. Suárez Philippine literary production under fascism
Introduction to the Philippines dossier
Jun 20, 2019
Dawn Akemi Sueoka Hidden harmonies in John Cage's 'Empty Words' Aug 29, 2012
Mecca Jamilah Sullivan 'Unsayable secrets' of diaspora's bodily history Sep 17, 2013
James D. Sullivan Book-length broadside
Bob Grenier's 'CAMBRIDGE M'ASS'
Mar 20, 2013
Richard Swigg The test of belief
Or, why George Oppen quarrelled with Denise Levertov
Oct 25, 2012
John Taggart On singing and thinking Jun 18, 2014
Marylyn Tan Leav Rupi alone
eXXXtreme #instapoetry
Jun 20, 2019
Harriet Tarlo 'The page is slowly turning black'
Rachel Blau DuPlessis's 'Torques: Drafts 58–76'
Dec 14, 2011
Catherine Taylor Take your time: The ethics of the event in 'Drafts' Dec 14, 2011
Sharon Thesen Response to Nicole Brossard Mar 29, 2013
Orchid Tierney Imagining assemblage as maintenance
Rachel Blau DuPlessis and the 'Graphic Novella'
Jun 20, 2019
Madeline Tiger Reactions to Basil King's work Jul 03, 2014
On Dingane Joe Goncalves
Jun 20, 2019
Charles Tomlinson Beginnings, 1963 May 19, 2014
Charles Tomlinson Catching up, 1968–70 May 19, 2014
Charles Tomlinson Relocation, 1966–67 May 19, 2014
Charles Tomlinson Retrospection, 1972–81 May 19, 2014
Charles Tomlinson Texts and travels, 1964–65 May 19, 2014
Naomi Toth Echo's echoes, or what to do with Vanessa Place May 01, 2018
Chris Tysh Ghost tracks
Reading the signs in 'Pitch: Drafts 77–95'
Dec 14, 2011
Jean Uhm 'Languaging' the third space
Language as activity in the prosody of Myung Mi Kim
Apr 12, 2013
Brian Unger Norman Fischer: A 'test case for being' Jul 14, 2011
Lee Upton Embedded chronicles
Lawrence Joseph's poetry of urgency
Feb 09, 2012
Peter Valente Funeral rites
On Nanni Balestrini's 'Blackout'
Dec 12, 2019
Kasia van Schaik On being prone
Violence and vulnerability in Bhanu Kapil's 'Ban en Banlieue'
Jun 20, 2019
Matias Viegener The assassination of Kathy Acker Jun 20, 2019
John Emil Vincent Personae, wonder, vetch: 'Crowd Conditions' Dec 09, 2013
Anna Vitale The blackness of Holly Melgard's 'Black Friday' Feb 05, 2016
Chris Vitiello How to answer questions Dec 17, 2014
Marci Vogel Andrée Chedid and the alchemy of poetry Jul 21, 2015
Marci Vogel Andrée Chedid and the contradictions of translation Aug 18, 2014
Catherine Wagner Messing with the beholder
Claudia Rankine's 'Citizen' and embedded Conceptualism
Feb 05, 2016
Fred Wah On Ed Dorn, 'The Newly Fallen' May 03, 2011
Fred Wah Reading M. NourbeSe Philip's 'Zong!' Mar 29, 2013
Noah Warren Syntax May 14, 2024
Rosanne Wasserman Weatherly's words
A tribute to Tom Weatherly
Sep 06, 2019
Carol Watts Only, document
Stephen Ratcliffe's 'REAL'
Oct 20, 2011
Kyle Waugh 'Arise and unbuild it again'
Homing in on Irbyland
Nov 18, 2014
Kyle Waugh Acknowledgements Nov 18, 2014
Kyle Waugh Kenneth Lee Irby: A chronology Nov 18, 2014
Tom Weatherly 'Thumbprint' Sep 06, 2019
Tom Weatherly Black oral poetry in America
An open letter
Sep 06, 2019
Tom Weatherly Email to Jerome Rothenberg Sep 06, 2019
Tom Weatherly Emails to Lauri Scheyer (Ramey), 2005–2014 Dec 04, 2019
Hannah Weiner 'The Book of Revelations': The diplomatic transcript Mar 25, 2011
Scott Weintraub Finding (the other) Juan Luis Martínez Apr 20, 2015
Marjorie Welish That Taggart
'Grey Scale/Zukofsky'
Jun 18, 2014
Jared Wells On Craig Dworkin and Jarrod Fowler's 'Rhythmic Fact' Jun 20, 2019
Marta L. Werner Acknowledgments Mar 22, 2011
Marta L. Werner Appendices to this edition
Spellings, neologisms, part-words, proper names, and literary allusions
Mar 29, 2011
Marta L. Werner Notes on this edition
'The Book Of Revelations'
Mar 31, 2011
Marta L. Werner The landscape of Hannah Weiner's late work
'The Book of Revelations'
Apr 05, 2011
Christine Wertheim 'we're decoys, baby!'
A CUnT-UP in torn parts
Jun 20, 2019
Adam Wiedemann Różewicz and purity Nov 24, 2015
John Wieners The dark grammarian Dec 24, 2012
Tyrone Williams Before the laws
The secular, sacred, and aesthetic cases of Lawrence Joseph
Feb 09, 2012
Rachael M. Wilson Clark Coolidge's cave art Oct 30, 2015
Trevor Winkfield Star-crossed Dec 09, 2013
Emily Wojcik 'Their own privately subsidized firm'
Bryher, H.D., and 'curating' modernism
Sep 28, 2011
R. D. Wood From Oceania with love Sep 08, 2016
David Wyatt On Gary Snyder, 'Myths & Texts' May 04, 2011
John Yau Excerpts from 'The Poet as Art Critic' Dec 09, 2013
Mia You Begin again Apr 13, 2018
Mia You The ‘Hejinian Method’ May 14, 2024
Karl Young Shadow memory shadows music
Contextualized notes on John Taggart's prosody
Jun 18, 2014
Logan K. Young Software as lip service
Jennifer Walshe's Snapchat scores
Feb 05, 2016
Timothy Yu Engagement, race, and public poetry in America Mar 20, 2015
Connie Yu Stalling in 'Solidarity Texts' Apr 13, 2018
Robert Zaller Stanley Burnshaw: The poet in the world Jun 28, 2011
Mande Zecca 'Absolutely temporary'
Spicer, Burgess, and the ephemerality of coterie
Jan 21, 2015
Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé Of theology, forms, and absence Feb 05, 2016
Rachel Zolf Noone bears witness Dec 14, 2012
Rachel Zolf The Tolerance Project
Projection of the intimate into the historical
Jul 21, 2011