Charles Bernstein

Charles Bernstein: readings and lectures in Chile with Enrique Winter, November 2014

& book launch for Abuso de Sustancias (Alquimia Ediciones)

Abuso de sustancias, tr. Enrique Winter (Santiago, Chile: Alquimia Ediciones)

Anne-Marie Albiach: 'Work Vertical and Blank'

Cinq le Choeur,  Anne-Marie Albiach's collected poems, 1966-2012 has just been published by Poésie/Flammarion. This magnificent 600-page collection of one of the signal achievements of postwar French poetry, includes an afterword by Isabelle Garron and cover by Claude Royet-Journoud. 

In Conjunctions 23 (1994), I published a reworking of Albiach's "Travail Vertical et Blanc": pdf.   & here is  the original poem, from the new collected (reprinted with permission)pdf .

Jacket 2 published an obituary for Albiach in 2012)

For the 1994 publication, I included this introduction:

Larry Eigner, translated into French by Martin Richet

De l’air porteur / articulations / un monde: poèmes 1952-1966
poèmes choisis et traduits de l’américain par Martin Richet