Charles Bernstein

Rachael Ray and All the Whiskey in Heaven

People magazine 10/19/15

Ray talks about the event and the poem in a TV interview here.

All the Whiskey in Heaven

Not for all the whiskey in heaven
Not for all the flies in Vermont
Not for all the tears in the basement
Not for a million trips to Mars

 Not if you paid me in diamonds
Not if you paid me in pearls
Not if you gave me your pinky ring
Not if you gave me your curls

Not for all the fire in hell
Not for all the blue in the sky
Not for an empire of my own
Not even for peace of mind 

No, never, I’ll never stop loving you
Not till my heart beats its last
And even then in my words and my songs
I will love you all over again

My conversation with Diego Maquieira in Santiago

Enrique Winter's account my meeting with Chilean poet Diego Maquieira at Diego's house in Santiago has just been published in Letras Libres, October 2015: "Cuando Charles conoció a Diego." Letras Libres  has also made it available on their web page: here.

Marginalia for Susan Howe's 'Spontaneous Particulars: The Telepathy of Archives'

My annotations, made for the first performance of the essay for the Trilling lecture at Columbia on Nov. 31, 2011:


Nick Montfort at Kelly Writers House

photo: © Charles Bernstein, 2015

In Nick Montfort's new book from #!, from Counterpath, he uses this code to generate the poems. I like the code as a poem in/as itself. 

Lorelei: Heine translations from 'Shadowtime'

Lorelei Fountain i/ Heine Mermorial in The Bronx

Henry Hills is in the process of making a film in and around the letter “H” — and for that he is using my homophonic translation of  Harry (Heinrich) Heine’s “Die Lorelei,” with images of the The Bronx Lorelei Foundation. I recorded a reading of the poem for him last week, along with the rest of  my libretto for “Seven Tableaux Vivants Representing the Angel of History as Melancholia,” Scene 6 of Brian Ferneyough’s opera, Shadowtime.