Full program: introduction by Robert Casper, Head of the Poetry and Literature Center, LOC; comments and reading by Elizabeth Arnold and me. While the context of the event at the Library of Congress was Pound's birthday, I took the occasion to discuss the 1948 Bollingen prize, awarded by the Library of Congress to Pound for his Pisan Cantos. •My commentary begins here: (23:00)
Program one, reading (39:57): MP3 Program two, conversation with Charles Bernstein (45:29): MP3
On Program one, Julie Patton reads, performs and rips "Car Tune," "Using Blue to Get Black," "Scribbling thru the Times," and "Notes for Sum (Nominally) Awake."
My reading of Clare's vowelless letter at the launch for Barbaric Vast & Wild: Poems for the Millennium Vol. V, edited by Jerome Rothenberg and John Bloomberg-Rissman, at The Poetry Project, Oct. 14, 2015.