Sean Bonney, one of the finest UK poets of our time, died in Berlin on 13th November 2019. His work comprises seven major books and a series of pamphlets; it includes some of the most vital writing in the language today. He pushed at the limits of poetry, creating new forms in each single book. No other contemporary work destroys so thoroughly the universe of resurgent fascism.
Gil Ott published “Artifice of Absorption” as a special issue of Paper Air in 1987. A revised version of the work is included in A Poetics, published by Harvard University Press in 1992. A Poetics remains in print: order it here. This html edition, created around 2014, uses the text from A Poetics, although the notes are in a separate file in this html version, while they are formatted as footnotes inA Poetics. I prefer the format inA Poetics.
I recorded a Close Listening program with Allen Fisher on November 29, 2019, in London. We talked about the relation of decoherence and entanglement, both key terms for Fisher's collage aesthetic. Along the way, we addresses a constellation of topics, including source texts, pattern recognition, the political allegory of poetic space, performance, and the relation of Fisher's painting to his poetry.
Sound /Writing: traduire-écrire le son et le sens homophonic translation — traducson — Oberflächenübersetzung edited by Vincent Broqua and Dirk Weissmann / 356 pp. is just out from Editions des Archives Contemporaines OPEN ACCESS Print edition available soon; I will post information here when I have it.