Charles Bernstein

Johanna Drucker on Close Listening

@ PennSound

Drucker by Bernstein
photo © 2006 Charles Bernstein

complete reading (28:41): MP3
complete conversation with Charles Bernstein(29:47):
Kelly Writers House, March 14, 2011

Joan Retallack on Close Listening

@ PennSound

Joan Retallack:  cover of How to Do Things with Words

Joan Retallack on Close Listening
February 26, 2011
reading  (27:04)   MP3
conversation with Charles Bernstein & Al Filreis (32:19)   MP3

The Son of Chico Dusty

Bernstein's Web Log now at Jacket2


I am putting on a new Jacket: New "web log" posts will be right here at Jacket 2 <>, while archives of posts from previous years will be accessible from link on the sidebar.

Bernadette Mayer & CAConrad

photo © Lawrence Schwartzwald

Mayer & Conrad

Feb. 11, 2011 at the Poetry Project