Charles Bernstein

Joseph Ceravalo, Collected Poems

Rosemary Ceravolo, ed.; Parker Smathers, ed.; David Lehman, intro.

From the syntactically and sonically ecstatic sprung lyrics of Fits of Dawn to the yearning spirituality of Millennium Dust, Ceravalo’s amorously meditative, searching, migratory poems make a refreshing contribution to postwar American poetry’s pursuit of wild logos.

Stacy Doris tribute at the Poetry Project

Last Wednesday night, the Poetry Project of St. Mark's Church, NY, presented a tribute to Stacy Doris. Lee Ann Brown and I presented the films from the Cake Part, by Lee Ann And Tony Torn and by Felix Bernstein. In honor of Stacy, I have added to her EPC page the fantastic feature she did on French poetry for an issue of boundary 2 I edited. And below, the two filsm

French poetry feature with Pierre Alferi, Olivier Cadiot, Katalin Molnár, Christophe Tarkos, EmmanuelHocquard, Christian Prigent, Stacy Doris and Ray Federman in boundary 2, Vol. 26, No. 1, 99 Poets/1999: An International Poetics Symposium(Spring, 1999), ed. Charles Bernstein: pdf

Note also Doris's first French anthology:
The Violence of the White Page, ed. Stacy Doris, Philip Foss, Emmanuel Hocquard; Tyuonyi 9/10, 1991: pdf

Phone-A-Poem installation at Woodberry Poetry Room, Lamont Library, Harvard, opens Feb. 7

Stanley Cavell on Close Listening

Stnaley Cavell at the Unversity of East Anglia, July 2009

Last Words from ‘Sentences My Father Used’ from No Press

cover image

Produced in a limited edition of 80 handbound copies, Last Words from ‘Sentences My Father Used’  by Charles Bernstein is produced on 4 gate-folded long, narrow pages. Cover by the author.