Charles Bernstein

The Selected Letters of Louis Zukofsky, edited by Barry Ahearn (2013)

on z-site

free in-screen digital book

Here is the first letter, from when Zukofsky was only 15 -- a submission to Poetry magazine:

BQH (Brooklyn-Queens High Line) for Citi of New York

As Michael Bloomberg leaves his 12-year reign as Mayor of New York, here are two suggestions for Bill de Blasio for continuing his predecessor’s legacy.

"On Election Day" translated by Regis Bonvicino for Folha de Sao Paulo

video by Gabe Rubin; Shadowtime tr. by Adriano Scandolara


Folha de Sao Paulo, the main newspaper of the city, published today a translation by Régis Bonvicino of "On Election Day," a poem I wrote five years ago, just after the election of President Obama. The poem was collected in Recalculating 
Gabe Rubin made a video of my reading the poem for this publication:

Waring Cuney, No Images as sung by Nina Simone

& other poems from Storefront Church

Waring Cuney (1906-1976)

pdf for Storefront Church (1973) from EPC Digital Library

No Images

She does not know
her beauty,
she thinks her brown body
has no glory.

If she could dance
under palm trees
and see her image in the river,
she would know.

But there are no palm trees
on the street,
and dish water gives back
no images.
