Charles Bernstein

Body Sweats: The Uncensored Writings of Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven

Edited by Irene Gammel and Suzanne Zelazo (MIT Press)

Ireme Gammel at launch, Naumann Gallery, NY, 11/4/11; photo by Ch. Bernstein

This is a long, awaited, much-needed collection of the exuberant and enthralling poetry of the great American Dada poet "Baroness" Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. The book is a sumptuous collection of poems and images, as much art catalog and text collection. And Irene Gammel tells me there are still significant uncollected poems, which I hope can be brought together in a web archive.

How to Be European: a video by Anya Lewin

Imagine a school where one learns how to be European in a changing Europe.

Poetic Justice (1979)

digital edition at Eclipse

Craig Dworkin, a.k.a. Eclipse,  has just made available a page-for-page scan of Poetic Justice.

Firbank as poet, by Douglas Messerli

Ronald Firbank *Valmouth* (London: Gerald Duckworth, 1919)

 In preparation for a fiction course for the MFA Creative Writing Program at Otis College of Art this Fall, I reread Ronald Firbank's fiction Valmouth, and sought out his biography on Wikipedia, where I read the author "produced a series of novels."

Since I consider myself a sort of authority of the various genres of fiction, I am no longer surprised to see that any fiction is described by most readers these days as a "novel." And, although the genre, "novel," seems to me to center on a central figure, charting his or her relationship (often in symbolic terms) with the larger culture or, at least, the world outside the central figure, I have become somewhat indifferent if people use the term "novel" indeterminately.

The only times it truly upsets me is when readers have difficulty with a work of fiction because it does not meet the standard expectations of a "novel," such as the case of Djuna Barnes' anatomy Nightwood, a work that wasted the energies of at least one critic, Joseph Frank, in creating a new form (what he called "spatial fiction") to explain what he saw as anomalies, all perfectly a home in the anatomy genre. Others have approached the epic fictions of Heimito von Doderer and Robert Musil, works whose structures often work more like musical compositions than plot-organized novels, similarly.