Digital Poetics 1

The self does not exist

When I look for a place to start our discussion, I am reminded of a website from a few years ago. With the ominous address “,” the site presents a single face filling the screen, with another face replacing it every time the user presses “ENTER.” No commentary or introductory text is offered, but a quick search returns cautionary news articles written when the site launched in 2019. The site is the work of a former NVIDIA engineer who created a custom A.I. that generates faces in real time from images scraped from social media platforms.

Poetry Has No Future Unless It Comes to an End: Poems of Artificial Intelligence

A.I. Generated by Charles Bernstein & Davide Balula

Poetry Has No Future Unless It Comes to an End: Poems of Artificial Intelligence by Davide Balula and Charles Bernstein was created between 2020 and 2022 from a dataset of Bernsteins writing. The process and background are detailed in the book, which is published by Nero Editions in Italy.  Balula created a synthetic voice based on recordings of Bernstein.

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