Author’s Note. raisin in every bite gathers and convenes devotional notebook poems at the threshold of dreams, where sleep meets afterlife in memory. These poems fly in flocks, in fabulous company of so many living and dead writers, in love and care for that great company, a ragtag translingual family of freaks and poets and outriders.
The future started yesterday, in the cave of the hands, a multitude of hands in the twilight, a cloud of palms, it is a constricted place, a narrowed place, one of the hollowed-out places, analogous to the Library of Alexandria, a narrow-eyed figurine carved of green jadeite with incised glyphs, length, 1,254 feet; average width, 20 feet; height, 4 or 5 feet, a gate built of the word orororororo, because there is no longer
Poems and poetics