Rochelle Owens: 'Color Pool in Umbria, in Memoriam Al Held'



First a question

then an outline

is it an anatomical form


the monumental painting

is it bearing a signature

and are the letters blurred?


Again the question

the monumental painting

is it an anatomical form


a form of optical effects

of peculiar power

is it bearing a signature


and are the letters blurred?




A dead man in a pool

closely and intimately the smell

of chlorine


dead in the swimming pool

of his Umbrian Villa

gorgeous the stone work


painted tiles medieval ruins

the drowned artist’s passion

his rural Eden


monumental the golden mosaic

the giant Cyclops

the gleaming brutal eye


splintering sunlight grapevines

fields of sunflowers olive groves

the drowned artist floating

circling drifting round and round

his rural Eden

a color pool of aquamarine


a dead man’s float

the full sweet lips open


Incredible the beauty

of the Umbrian maid a girl of fifteen

a farmer’s daughter


the muscles of her back

spirally arranged her honey-tone hands

slipping under layers of water


the drowned artist floating beyond

further and further

moving in circles diagonals


ovals rectangles squares triangles

moving beyond the honey-tone hands

further and further

the drowned artist seized


seized by Cyclops the giant

jittery energy the body of work

is work of the body


drifting geometries




Incredible the beauty

of the Umbrian maid a girl of fifteen

on her knees


moving in circles

polishing the marble floor

a farmer’s daughter


singing ‘amore mio amore mio’

the marble floor sparkling

smiling at her reflection


the full sweet lips open

In the afternoon

sipping Umbrian wine


tearing off the wing of

a roast pigeon a breast vein

as thick as a finger




Everyday Disturbances

in Umbrian farm country


sipping white wine

the faythful cut their tongues out


it is possible that a discarded wallet

holds the beggar spellbound


overzealous crushing the grapes

dangerous and violent the fruit


when the fish gasped Jesus laughed

the full sweet lips open


pulling off the skin of the fish

like a glove hearing a mourning dove


succulent the fillet rolled

rapturous the tongue of the monk


the volume of the fish sea water

spilled on the putrefied heart


NOTE. At age 76, the American artist Al Held (1928-2005) was found dead in his villa swimming pool near Camerata, Italy. It is believed that he died of natural causes.

More of Rochelle Owenswork, with plentiful commentaries, appears here and here on Poems & Poetics.]