A Gematria poem, as it comes to me, for George Quasha at 70 & myself at 80

100 + 6 + 6 + 1 + 300 + 1 = 414 = 200 + 214 = 300 + 114
I came
& with him
watched the serpents
& the antelopes
so inflamed
the pit
divines them
our eyes
will bring them down
will multiply
their faces
& we will see
a light
a stone
for divination
we will bring
out of a rock
then we will take
a bone
the ends of which
like wings
or branches
blameless clear
we will scrape off
& swallow
vain like prophets
bare uncircumcised
in the imagination
only & will see
& multiply
like locusts
we will scatter
in the river
: & they saw
: & they shall see
That George Quasha has come to this point & I still ten years ahead of him is an unanticipated delight & one in need of celebration all around. It is also forty years since we joined together in constructing America a Prophecy (1973), which has now come into a rebirth & sits in front of me as I think back to our first meetings & the turbulence of working & playing together on such a multiphasic project. It was in the aftermath of that work that I came to realize that prophecy as we used it in the title was most remarkably a vision, not so much of the future, as of the present & the past – the present foremost, however soon it slips away from us. That present has stuck with us still, & however long it lasts, gives us a chance to expand what we know as mind & voice, toward what I think of now as an omnipoetics , a principle of poetry & life, that I first sensed & fought & questioned in his presence. The poem that gematria has now given me – from the letters of his name spelled out in written Yiddish – is also something that I may come to understand, if ever, not as it first emerges here but as I grapple with it in the days & years to come. The poetry, I mean to say, is in the questions, as the prophecy is also.
For which I want to thank him, as I hope to do again & then again.
Poems and poetics