Jerome Rothenberg: New books in translation 2013 – 2015

[As we come into the fifteenth year of the new century, I would like to call attention to the publication, present & forthcoming, of a number of books of mine in the process of translation into a range of foreign languages.  This is of some special importance to me since I’ve been exploring over many years the possibilities as well as the limits of poetry as an international enterprise.  My own entry into poetry coincided with the awakening of a “new American poetry” in the 1950s & 60s, a series of discoveries & recoveries in which I shared, but which sometimes seemed to push back too strongly against the international or global in favor of the regional & local.   For many of us, even so, our full company of forerunners & contemporaries was both multicultural & multilingual, & translation, however ill equipped I may have been for its practice, was in all its forms the great bridging instrument at our disposal.  That my own work as a poet has also been carried over, increasingly, into other languages, often with my active collaboration, has brought me full circle in the process.  What follows, then, is a listing of translated books, already published or forthcoming, over the  two or three years since 2013.  That I now will have a dozen books, before & after 2013, in French & nearly the same number in Spanish, opens, for me at least, the possibility of talking across boundaries, however localized the original language of the poems & what Robert Duncan called “the place of first permission”  might be.  My gratitude to the translators is overwhelming.  (J.R.)]

Paraíso de Poetas, translation into Spanish by Heriberto Yépez & Laura Jáuregui, reprint and expansion of Un Cruel Nirvana, Editorial Arte y Literatura, Cuba, 2013.

Pologne/1931 (“A Book of Writings” & “A Book of Testimony”), translation into French by Jean Portante, Editions Caractères, Paris, 2013.

El Trabajo del sueño y otros poemas,  translation into Spanish by Mercedes Roffé, Hilos Editora, Buenos Aires, 2013.

Mistici, hoti si nebuni (Mystics Thieves & Madmen), translation into Romanian by Chris Tanasescu, Casa de Editura Max Blecher, Bucharest, 2013.

An Oracle for Delphi, translation into Greek by Iossif Venturi, posted on            chive=&start_from=&ucat=168&show_cat=168, Athens, 2013.

Khurbn, translation into French by Rachel Ertel, Editions Caractères, Paris, 2014.

“Entrevista realizada em Marselha,” in Enzio Minarelli, Razões da Voz, Londrina: Eduel, Brazil, 2014.

“Cokboy,” translation into Spanish and Ladino by Javier Taboada, in Tierra Adentro, Conaculta, Mexico, November 2014.

“Wedding,” “Fish,” and “Beards,” translated into Hebrew by Zali Gurevich, in         Helicon: Anthological Journal of Contemporary Poetry, Israel, 2014.

“Total Translation: Jerome Rothenberg ethnopoet” (a large dossier of poems and prose), translations into German by Norbert Lange & others, in Schreibheft: Zeitschrift für Literatur, Essen, No. 82, February 2014.

 “Um Extase em Tubo de Vidrio” and “Na direção do equador,” translated into      Portuguese by Adriandos Delima, in Rima & Via Posia Nova, on-line at     vidro-e.html, July 1, 2014.

“15 Flower World Variations: a sequence of songs from the Yaqui Deer Dance, with Cecilia Vicuña, in El Poema Animal/La Danza del Venado, Hueders Editorial, Chile, scheduled: 2015.

Shaking the Pumpkin, translation into French by Anne Talvaz, Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, scheduled: 2015.  [This will now bring into French, along with Techniciens du Sacré from 2008, my two first gatherings of ethnopoetics.]

A Seneca Journal, translation into French by Didier Pemerle, Jose Corti, Paris, scheduled: November 2015.

A Field on Mars: Poems 2000-2015, joint editions in English and French, Jusqu’à (To) Publishers, Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre, scheduled: 2016.

50 Caprichos après Goya, translation into French by Jean Portante, in preparation.

Poema de Milagros (A Poem of Miracles) and Un Testigo Más (A Further Witness), translation into Spanish by Javier Taboada, in preparation.

Selected poems, translation into Farsi by Sahar Tavakoli, in preparation.