Jerome Rothenberg: Readings & launches April to November 2015
[In line with the recent publication of Poems for the Millennium, volume 5: Barbaric Vast & Wild and other new writings in English & other languages, the following readings & launches are scheduled for the coming year. I will be posting & re-posting further details on these & others as the year progresses. (J.R.)]
Participant, Poesia en Voz Alta (festival), with Charles Bernstein, Serge Pey, & others, Mexico, D.F., April 14-19, 2015.
Talk & reading on El Corno Emplumado, Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco, Mexico, D.F., April 15, 2015.
Reading/seminar, Mesa College, San Diego, 7:00 p.m., April 29, 2015.
Reading & launch, D.G. Wills Books, La Jolla, May 2, 2015.
Reading & pre-launch, Page Poetry Parlor, New York, May 17, 2015.
Reading, Woodward Line Poetry Series, Detroit, June 17, 2015.
Reading & launch, Kelly House, University of Pennsylvania, September 10, 2015.
Reading & talk, Outside & Subterranean Poetry, Poets House, New York, October 1, 2015.
Reading & launch, St Marks Poetry Project, New York (with John Bloomberg-Rissman, Charles Bernstein, Pierre Joris, Nicole Peyrafitte, Jennifer Bartlett, Cecilia Vicuña), October 14, 2015.
Reading, University of Arizona Poetry Center, Tucson, Arizona, October 27, 2015.
Keynote speaker, ALTA (American Literary Translators Association) annual conference, Tucson, October 28-30, 2015.
Book launch & reading, City Lights, San Francisco (with Lyn Hejinian, David Meltzer, John Bloomberg-Rissman, Jack & Adele Foley), November 5, 2015.
Book launch & reading, Beyond Baroque (with Will Alexander, Douglas Messerli, Christine Wertheim, John Bloomberg-Rissman), Los Angeles, November 8, 2015.
Reading & launch, New Writing Series, University of California, San Diego, November 11, 2015.
Poems and poetics