Rochelle Owens: from 'Solarpoetics' (continued), 8–11

[In the order of the letters of the alphabet I am making use in these poems of a system of mental relations which by the act of writing becomes the poem, a cosmic meditation. (R.O.)].
“Cerebral Cortex”
Begin to understand
the nature of the leavening process
The letter H
catches in the throat then she steps
backwards and flings
a handful of earth beyond the edges
Of a page you hear a hollow sound
The dry external covering
of an ear of corn then stepping forwards
she scatters letters cut out from
the skull spine bones
The form of a human body
When I in my youth
in a blue wool dress I strolled
in a circle of blue
sings the poet Maudite
The cerebral cortex a sliver of brain
barely thicker than a credit card
The letter I vertical
under an occult sky once upon
a time I sat cross-legged
in the crotch of a tree
Grape wine grain bread
From roots of plants
that bear the grain in darkness
light heat cold focus on
a common scene
Chasms in the fissured earth
The story of the baker
a set of skills in sequential order
the finished loaf A to Z
in place and space
Recognize in some dozens of milliseconds
a written word
The letter J the shape
of a hook and on the hook
the butcher’s coat
wind heat cold drought
Blood and mud flows out
of the right sleeve
One animal
gut head and tail measure
body length jaws claws
diameters of holes
The zones of inclusion exclusion
Salt for the stew salt for the bread
once upon a time my mother
was sold from me when I
could but crawl
Dispatches from the frontiers
of neuroscience
The letter K stands apart
like a barley plant
in three dimensional space
the dry external covering
A snarl of fibrous hairs
Drifting in circles
wind heat cold drought
and dead white the barley plant
cut down
Deboned and buried
Then the reading brain
follows one letter after another
beyond the edges
of a page
One millionth one millionth of a second
an episode
[Earlier sections of “Solarpoetics” were published January 24, 2017 on Poems and Poetics.]
Poems and poetics