Jerome Rothenberg

Poems and poetics

Outside & subterranean poems, a mini-anthology in progress (59): Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, two dialect poems, with a note on Sor Juana & the pitfalls of translation

Translation from Spanish & related dialects or faux-dialects by Jerome Rothenberg & Cecilia Vicuña.  Originally published in the blogger version of Poems and Poetics & later in The Oxford Book of Latin American Poetry, edited by Edited by Cecilia Vicuña and Ernesto Livon Grosman, reprinted here for Jacket2.  Final publication of the anthology of outside & subterranean poetry is scheduled for 2014 from Black Widow Press.



Hagiwara Sakutarō (1886–1942): Seven poems translated by Hiroaki Sato



The person sleeping under the chair,

is he the children of the person who made the grand house?



          The Reason the Person Inside Looks like a Deformed Invalid


Outsider poems, a mini-anthology in progress (58): Armand Schwerner’s translation of Canto XV from Dante's 'Inferno'

[In the construction of an assemblage of outside & subterranean poetry the question looms of whether to include in the composition some of those who in the aftermath are celebrated & canonized as the ultimate & necessary insiders.  For Dante the outsidering came in his 37th year, when he was banished from Florence into what came to be a lifetime of exile from his native city.

Jerome Rothenberg, with Arie Galles: From 'Twenty Cloud Poems,' 1–8

Jerome Rothenberg & Arie Galles: A Double-Headed Portrait with Clouds
Jerome Rothenberg & Arie Galles: A Double-Headed Portrait with Clouds

But none of them paused,
none of them wanted to be a cloud

F.G. Lorca 



among the clouds

one face appears

Toward a poetry and poetics of the Americas (1): Rubén Darío, 'To Roosevelt'

Translation & endnote by Gabriel Gudding

[As I enter my eighty-third year the work that still lies ahead begins to focus on the possibility of a new poetry & poetics of the Americas.  The idea, like most ideas (good & bad) is by no means new but it stirs up, again, a sense of unkept promises & of a discontent with the idea of America as the domain of the United States alone, the way we speak of it again & again in our works & in our daily lives.