Jerome Rothenberg

Poems and poetics

Eliot Cardinaux

New poems from 'Around the Faded Sun,' for Paul Celan and Osip Mandelstam

[Recent work by Eliot Cardineax turns a new twist on Robert Duncan’s dictum: “I am not an experimentalist or an inventor, but a derivative poet, drawing my art from the resources given by a generation of masters.” In his derivations from Celan and Mandelstam, along with the author’s note attached thereto, Cardineaux’s poetry and poetics stands as a refutation, too, to Harold Bloom’s “anxiety of influence” as a necessary foundation for strong poets and strong poetry.

Toward a Poetry and Poetics of the Americas (28)

Three Poems by Jorge Eduardo Eielson (Peru, 1924–2006) with commentaries

Translations from Spanish by David Shook


from 4 SEASONS


take this rectangle of paper in spring at a temperature of 17 degrees over zero and read it calmly




Jack Foley

Orphic Sonnets 1–10, from a work in progress



I am a man who does not know himself

I am the grief that finds its way to tears

I am the poet who descends

I am the loss that cannot know the reason


I am the shadow in the deepening caves

I am the animal that roams its cage

'Poetry in Hell'

An excerpt from Shmuel Marvil's 'The Street' (circa 1943)

Translation from Yiddish by Sarah Traister Moskovitz

Michael Davidson

'how to dance / sitting down': Aging, innovation, and the graying of disability

[What follows is a talk given at the “Aging Experiments” Conference sponsored by University College Dublin on September 26, 2020, and hosted by Joao Guimaraes. In the interest of space, an accompanying bibliography has been eliminated, but anyone interested can email Michael Davidson at He has of course been a leading writer on disability poetics for many years now. (j.r.)]