[The following, a Spanish translation of which will appear shortly in El Libro de Las Voces, my latest book from Mexico, was an attempt by me and David Antin to start a public correspondence focused on the many years of our friendship and ongoing discourse, from New York in the 1950s to California from the 1970s until David’s death in 2016.
[The following is the latest installment of Jeffrey Robinson’s ongoing renewal and reimagining of Romanticism and part of his current work in progress: John Keats Utopian Margins. A major Romanticist in his own right, he is the coauthor with me of the third volume of Poems for the Millennium (Romanticism and Postromanticism), a rethinking of the poetic past from the point of view of the present. (J.R.)]
[In our hemispheric anthology of the Americas (from origins to present), Javier Taboada and I are including this pioneer work of computer-generated poetry for a section of “extensions” beyond our normative ideas of poetry that begins with pre-Columbian hieroglyphics and moves on from there to the here-and-now. Our work-in-progress will be published by the University of California Press in the next year or two. (J.R.)]
Poems and poetics