Jerome Rothenberg

Poems and poetics

Rochelle Owens: De Chirico's Vendetta (2020)

Giorgio de Chirico — Self portrait — 1922
Giorgio de Chirico — Self portrait — 1922

[NB: Giorgio De Chirico, a pioneer of Surrealism, was greatly admired for his early works; his later paintings from 1945 to 1962 drew the disdain of fickle dealers who influenced collectors. Thus, De Chirico decided to back date the paintings.]

[Since the start of Poems and Poetics in 2008, I have attempted to chronicle the perennially evolving poetry of Rochelle Owens, who remains for many of us one of the most fierce and dynamic practitioners of our art as we move across the millennium boundary to embrace her. (j.r.)]


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Toward a poetry and poetics of the Americas (24)

Louis Riel, from 'A System of Philosophical Theology,' with commentary

Translated from French by Antoine Malette and Bryan Sentes.


Système philosophico-théologique: If the state of harmony before original sin had endured.


Billie Chernicoff: A Marian Alphabet

[Hers is the extraordinary opening poem in Homage to the Alphabet, an online gathering of poets, published by Metambesen and including individual poems, each using the letters of our or any other alphabet in sequential order. Initiated by master poet Robert Kelly, other contributors include Lila Dunlap, Mikhail Horowitz, Charlotte Mandell, Joel Newberger, Tamas Panitz, Charles Stein, Peter Lamborn Wilson, and Maggie Louisa Zavgren.]

Jerome Rothenberg: Previewing 'A Book of Infernos'

Six poems and a coda

[The excerpts that follow are from a new work of mine scheduled for publication later this year by Lunar Chandelier Collective: thirty-four poems and a coda derived loosely from the cantos and circles of Dante’s Inferno, “for the infernos and hungers of the worlds around us.”]

[The excerpts that follow are from a new work of mine scheduled for publication later this year by Lunar Chandelier Collective: thirty-four poems and a coda derived loosely from the cantos and circles of Dante’s Inferno, “for the infernos and hungers of the worlds around us.”]



Ariel Resnikoff

from 'YINGLOSSIA' forthcoming in 'Unnatural Bird Migrator'

[Scheduled for publication July 2020 by the Operating System, for which pre-orders are available here. Posted here as a major event in our poetry. (J.R.)]