Jerome Rothenberg

Poems and poetics

David Matlin: From 'Prisons / Inside the New America,' 'Kenneth's' poems & poetics

In August of 1994, President Clinton’s Crime Bill destroyed the monies designated on a nation-wide basis for all Prison Education programs. The Federal or Pell Grants were for books; without books, like it or not, there are no programs. Those monies constituted less than one percent of all federal funds designated for higher education and were beginning to offer proof, at least in the program of which I was a part, that this form of rehabilitation might be the cheapest, most far reaching yet devised.

Rocío Cerón: '13 Ways to Inhabit a Corner'

Translated from Spanish by Anna Rosen Guercio

Ostriches in flight —there are women whose words are ash trees. Shadows
stitch together harbors of air. In the midst of the stampede, a hand rests on the
arc of a kneecap. Cigar and smoke. Rosy cypress sleep. The scent reaches far
beyond the border. From the bureau — power, smile destroyed/ ocher
temptation, strophic enjambed body. Vestibule.

Doings & happenings: Notes on a performance of the Seneca Indian Eagle Dance, with the scenario for gift event III, based on its orders

 Seneca Prophet Handsome Lake Preaching in the Longhouse.  Watercolor.  Ernest S
Seneca Prophet Handsome Lake Preaching in the Longhouse. Watercolor. Ernest Smith. 1936.

[Reprinted from the original edition of Technicians of the Sacred (1968) but removed from the revised edition (1985) still in print.

From Éric Suchère’s 'Mystérieuse' (after Hergé), translated by Sandra Doller

TRANSLATOR'S NOTE. Éric Suchère’s Mystérieuse is an image-to-word “translation” of collaged pages from Hergé’s TinTin comic books, rendered in painstakingly conceptual detail: each frame of each comic, and even each stroke of each drawing inside each frame, are accounted for linguistically, from TinTin’s unforgettable drops of sweat to Snowy’s emoticon-esque reactions, to the broad stroke backgrounds of the comic squares.

John Martone: A suite of poems from 'Molecular Lament'

Cecilia Vicuña quipu menstrual 2006
Cecilia Vicuña quipu menstrual 2006


for Cecilia Vicuña

                Their books were loose bundles of string.
                                                -- Charles Mann



dressed in



yr life

balled up


the end