
Sophie Calle, “Exquisite Pain #71.”

List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for the Commissioner of Immigration at Port of Arrival
Required by the regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, under Act of Congress approved March 3, 1893, to be delivered to the Commissioner of Immigration by the Commanding Officer of any vessel having such passengers on board upon arrival at a port in the United States[1]

1. No. on list
49 x 49 (7 x 7 = 49)

2. Name in full

3. Age

One and Three Chairs

4. Sex


5. Married or single

Painting to Hammer a Nail In

6. Calling or occupation
I Like America and America Likes Me

7. Able to read | write
I’m Too Sad to Tell You

8. Nationality
Bits & Pieces Put Together to Present a Semblance of a Whole

9. Race or people

One Billion Colored Dots

10. Last residence (province, city or town)

House Beautiful: Bringing the War Home

11. Seaport for landing in the United States

The Residue of a Flare Ignited Upon a Boundary

12. Final destination in the United States (state, city or town)
Thirtyfour Parking Lots

13. Whether having a ticket to such final destination

Protect Me From What I Want

14. By whom passage was paid

Pay Nothing Until April

15. Whether in possession of money, if so, whether more than $30 and how much if $30 or less

Take Care of Yourself

16. Whether ever before in the United States, and if so, when and where

Following Piece

17. Whether going to join a relative, and if so, what relative, their name and address
Portrait of Iris Clert

18. Purpose of coming to the United States

Untitled (Cowboys)

19. Ever in prison, or almshouse, or institution for care and treatment of the insane, or supported by charity. If so, which?
Untitled (Placebo)

20. Whether a polygamist?
Don’t Postpone Joy, or Collecting Can Be Fun

21. Whether an anarchist?
I Will Not Make Any More Boring Art

22. Whether under contract, express or implied, to labor in the United States

Workers who cannot be paid, remunerated to remain inside cardboard boxes

23. Condition of health, mental and physical

Statue of Venus Obliterated By Infinity Nets

24. Deformed or crippled, nature, length of time and cause

I Am Still Alive

25. Height: feet. | Inches.
100 Boots

26. Complexion

Vanilla Nightmares #3

27. Color of — Hair. | eyes.
Artist’s Shit

28. Marks of identification

12 Months with Postcards From Today of Kittens

29. Place of Birth. Country. | City or Town
Exquisite Pain

1. These were the questions my Sicilian great-grandparents were required to answer when they immigrated to the United States ca. 1900.