Commentaries - September 2007

enjambment generation

This is Edwin Morgan's "Archives." It's my favorite of the "simple" typewritten concrete poems in the

from anthology of concretism, edited by Eugene Wildman (Chicago: Swallow Press, 1969):

Sacred technician 1: Quietly have with love

We underestimate what a big breakthrough it was when Jerome Rothenberg in 1972 (one could say this was the height of the American Indian Movement — just to take that cut on the tiWe un

Big postmodern but

Robert Grenier (in Phantom Anthems, 1986) wrote what I think is an absolutely brilliant response to and satire of William Carlos Williams. Here it is:

for William Carlos Williams

the young plum tree
like a martini
with new green
leaves how metrical

likely & con-
versant it would
have been today to
write a true imagist poem

Teaching consensus through dissensus

In the early 90s I taught my class on the literature and culture of the 1950s.

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