This is Edwin Morgan's "Archives." It's my favorite of the "simple" typewritten concrete poems in the from anthology of concretism, edited by Eugene Wildman (Chicago: Swallow Press, 1969):
We underestimate what a big breakthrough it was when Jerome Rothenberg in 1972 (one could say this was the height of the American Indian Movement — just to take that cut on the tiWe un
Robert Grenier (in Phantom Anthems, 1986) wrote what I think is an absolutely brilliant response to and satire of William Carlos Williams. Here it is:Butfor William Carlos Williamsthe young plum treelike a martiniwith new greenleaves how metricallikely & con-versant it wouldhave been today towrite a true imagist poem
In the early 90s I taught my class on the literature and culture of the 1950s.Read more
enjambment generation
This is Edwin Morgan's "Archives." It's my favorite of the "simple" typewritten concrete poems in the
from anthology of concretism, edited by Eugene Wildman (Chicago: Swallow Press, 1969):
Sacred technician 1: Quietly have with love
Big postmodern but
Robert Grenier (in Phantom Anthems, 1986) wrote what I think is an absolutely brilliant response to and satire of William Carlos Williams. Here it is:
for William Carlos Williams
the young plum tree
like a martini
with new green
leaves how metrical
likely & con-
versant it would
have been today to
write a true imagist poem
Sunrise at Giant Ledge
Teaching consensus through dissensus