I didn’t start reading or writing poetry until I was in my mid-twenties. I didn’t study avant-garde art or literary history/criticism until after college. I did, however, read Yoko Ono’s Grapefruit sometime during my John Lennon phase in junior high, so though I wouldn’t have known the word, I’d been fluxed to a certain degree. Though Grapefruit is, well, kinda hippy-cheesy, I do think that it ‘holds up’ as an exemplary model of a book that transcends its avant-garde context, something that (like Joe Brainard’s I Remember) achieves that rare mode that can be understood and mind-opening to kids and aged seen-it-all’s alike.
Recantorium: trilingual edition from Gammm (pdf)
new pdf ebook of "Recantorium" at gammm.org:
English original + French & Italian translation.
RECANTORIUM (a bachelor machine, after Duchamp after Kafka)
Goldsmith as Poet Laureate of MoMA
As reported in the Wall Street Journal
Andy Battaglia, “Transforming the Discourse,” The Wall Street Journal, March 20, 2013. [ link ]
Poetics versus philosophy symposium at Texas A & M University, April 11-13, 2013
Poetics Versus Philosophy: Life, Artifact, and Theory
Texas A & M University, April 11,12,13, 2013
symposium website
including full program
launch of
Marjorie Perloff
La Escalera de Wittgenstein
Charles Bernstein
L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E ¡CONTRAATACA! Poéticas selectas (1975-2011)
ed./tr. Heriberto Yepez,et al., intro. Eduardo Espina,
How to make us flux: Scores/scripts/instructions
I didn’t start reading or writing poetry until I was in my mid-twenties. I didn’t study avant-garde art or literary history/criticism until after college. I did, however, read Yoko Ono’s Grapefruit sometime during my John Lennon phase in junior high, so though I wouldn’t have known the word, I’d been fluxed to a certain degree. Though Grapefruit is, well, kinda hippy-cheesy, I do think that it ‘holds up’ as an exemplary model of a book that transcends its avant-garde context, something that (like Joe Brainard’s I Remember) achieves that rare mode that can be understood and mind-opening to kids and aged seen-it-all’s alike.
Three poems by Paul Celan from 'Snowpart'
Translated & annotated by Pierre Joris
EIN BLATT, baumlos,
für Bertolt Brecht:
Was sind das für Zeiten,
wo ein Gespräch
beinah ein Verbrechen ist,
weil es soviel Gesagtes
mit einschließt?
A LEAF, treeless,
for Bertold Brecht: