This morning I’m having a discussion with two Facebook friends, Dave and Peter (they don’t know each other). It started when I posted a Facebook “note” with a photo of Nazi film-maker Leni Riefenstahl and a link to the New York Timesobituary of her published after her death at 101 in 2003. Dave started us off by likening the Obama inauguration to the Nuremburg rally. To view the thread of Facebook comments, click on the image at right.
During Joan Didion’s visit to the Kelly Writers House as a Writers House Fellow, two of the sessions will be available as a live streaming video, and you are more than welc
Fascism = communism, with Obama thrown in
This morning I’m having a discussion with two Facebook friends, Dave and Peter (they don’t know each other). It started when I posted a Facebook “note” with a photo of Nazi film-maker Leni Riefenstahl and a link to the New York Times obituary of her published after her death at 101 in 2003. Dave started us off by likening the Obama inauguration to the Nuremburg rally. To view the thread of Facebook comments, click on the image at right.
Didion live
During Joan Didion’s visit to the Kelly Writers House as a Writers House Fellow, two of the sessions will be available as a live streaming video, and you are more than welc
Weekend tweets
Follow me on Twitter.
Just a few lines along a certain line of thought
In ’99, as I prepared to teach my modern and contemporary American poet
Choosing to live in the city
From the Daily Pennsylvanian, March 20, 2009. Click on the image above for a larger view.