A few weeks ago I wrote about having invited six poets each to teach a short poem to high-school student. I commented in particular about teaching the constraints of the haiku and its possible special connection to high-school kids’ understanding of poetry today — what with their sense of extreme limits (texting, Twitter’s 140 characters, etc.).
“Don’t let a poetry organization be put in charge of placing poems on buses. It upholds the cavalcade of nice. If poetry is nice then it is dead.” Eileen Myles writes for the Harriet blog of the Poetry Foundation on why she hates poetry.
Six poets each teach a poem
A few weeks ago I wrote about having invited six poets each to teach a short poem to high-school student. I commented in particular about teaching the constraints of the haiku and its possible special connection to high-school kids’ understanding of poetry today — what with their sense of extreme limits (texting, Twitter’s 140 characters, etc.).
Against the cavalcade of nice
“Don’t let a poetry organization be put in charge of placing poems on buses. It upholds the cavalcade of nice. If poetry is nice then it is dead.” Eileen Myles writes for the Harriet blog of the Poetry Foundation on why she hates poetry.
More Myles.
Humanities saves all
[ For more …]
A soul collected
I’m looking at a file that is an accumulation of letters, emails, and documents all pertaining to a longtime search for a few fram
The '20s were in again
When the legacy of The Dial got clinched.