PoemTalk listeners will want to stick around for the end of this show in particular, when Nada Gordon, a first-time PoemTalker, recites her flarfistic rewriting of Wallace Stevens' late poem, "Not Ideas about the Thing but the Thing Itself." Meantime, of course, we give the poem a good going-through.
Local TV news covers ... advising
Oh it seems to be Archiving Old Media week here. Well, we found another item.
'Raging online debate' — yes, and it's about poetry
Dystopian music
In 1999, several Kelly Writers House regulars (among them Andrew Zitcer andRead more
The c that precedes the choir
The newest PoemTalk is out now.
it's like a new reality, man (PoemTalk #14)
PoemTalk listeners will want to stick around for the end of this show in particular, when Nada Gordon, a first-time PoemTalker, recites her flarfistic rewriting of Wallace Stevens' late poem, "Not Ideas about the Thing but the Thing Itself." Meantime, of course, we give the poem a good going-through.