When a poet asserts she has the voice of no, does that mean she has it - has got that voice down, can do that voice - and wants to know it from the inside in order to get past it, or wants to doubt it, so that she and we can get on to the positive change we seek? Or is, finally, that voice her voice?
Yom Kippur 1945
What did it mean for survivors of the concentration camps to fast during the first Yom Kippur after the war — September ’45?
New at PennSound: Rae Armantrout’s January 1983 talk on silence.
You have to know something
The voice of no
The newest episode of PoemTalk is being released today.
paddling ladders (PoemTalk #11)
When a poet asserts she has the voice of no, does that mean she has it - has got that voice down, can do that voice - and wants to know it from the inside in order to get past it, or wants to doubt it, so that she and we can get on to the positive change we seek? Or is, finally, that voice her voice?