CAConrad and his colleagues at PhillySound worked hard to reproduce the transcript of a 1979 interview Gil Ott conducted with Jackson Mac Low, and it (part? or whole?) has been added to the PhillySound blog.
Harold Bloom was "madly in love" with the poems of Wallace Stevens from the time he was an undergraduate at Cornell University.He traveled from Ithaca to New Haven in 1949 and found his
Guillaume Apollinaire was stationed in February 1915 not far from where my father and I visited recently — the edge of Provence along the Rhone River between Martigues in the n
After a dozen years of the Kelly Writers House — which I like to think of a learning community with a poetics — there are a few things that Writers House-affiliated students do each
CAConrad and his colleagues at PhillySound worked hard to reproduce the transcript of a 1979 interview Gil Ott conducted with Jackson Mac Low, and it (part? or whole?) has been added to the PhillySound blog.
When Harold met Wally
Harold Bloom was "madly in love" with the poems of Wallace Stevens from the time he was an undergraduate at Cornell University.He traveled from Ithaca to New Haven in 1949 and found his
'La Fuck Fashion'
Nothing but sharp stones, similar to bones
Guillaume Apollinaire was stationed in February 1915 not far from where my father and I visited recently — the edge of Provence along the Rhone River between Martigues in the n
Coy flappertoy! I am adult citizen with vote
After a dozen years of the Kelly Writers House — which I like to think of a learning community with a poetics — there are a few things that Writers House-affiliated students do each