Commentaries - October 2007

Two cheers for antigregorypeckerism

Herbert Gold reviewed On the Road in the November 16, 1957 issue of the Nation, under the title: "Hip Cool, Beat — and Frantic." Here's a passage of the review that'll give you a good sense of the whole:

Daily bread

This is George Herlick's b&w; photo called "Bread in Window," taken on April 21, 1937, part of a series called "City Scenes" that Herlick shot as part of the Ph

Avatar of Newt

Part of the problem, part of the solution — '60s cant. Yet, saying just that, our old friend Newt Gingrich is back, not apparently running for President, but launching a new project he thinks

Blame imagism

I continue to be fascinated by the reputation of imagism in later decades.I continue to be fascinated by the reputation of imagism in later decades.