Tranter in Jacket
...some poems, reviews, interviews, photos and articles, 1997 to 2010

John Tranter founded this magazine in 1997. In 2010 he granted it to the University of Pennsylvania. Among the thousands of poems, reviews, interviews, photographs and articles by other creative artists published in «Jacket» magazine, his own work has made an appearance from time to time. This is a listing of that work, from «Jacket» 1 in 1997, to the final «Jacket» issue, 40, in 2010.
«Jacket» 01:
[»»] John Tranter reviews John Berger’s «Photocopies»: “IT’S SIMPLIFYING THINGS to call John Berger a Eurocentric left-wing analyst of art and culture, but I’m going to do it.”
Red Tree, Tasmania; photo John Tranter 1997
«Jacket» 02:
[»»] Photo: John Ashbery wearing a «Jacket»: by John Tranter (R77-8)
[»»] John Tranter: Interview with John Ashbery, April 1985: “I’ve never really cared for ‘Self-Portrait’ very much, and I must say I didn’t like it any more when I reread it. But I obviously had to put it in because people would expect it to be there.”
[»»] John Tranter: Interview with John Ashbery, May 1988: “It seemed to me that my [first] book had fallen into a bottomless pit, and that I would never have another chance to publish another book of poems.”
[»»] John Tranter: «Three John Ashberys: An Introduction»
[»»] John Tranter: «Lost Things in the Garden of Type»
«Jacket» 03:
Poem: [»»] John Tranter: "God on a Bicycle" (for John Forbes)
[»»] John Tranter reviews John Forbes’s posthumous collection «Damaged Glamour»
[»»] John Tranter reviews «Somebody Else: Arthur Rimbaud in Africa» by Charles Nicholl
[»»] John Tranter: "Thank God for the Bourgeoisie"
«Jacket» 04:
Experimental Prose: [»»] «Mr Rubenking’s "Breakdown"» — computers and writing (with a RealAudio recording of robot poet Joy H.Breshan reading a computer-generated poem)
[»»] John Tranter — Carousel
«Jacket» 05:
[»»] John Tranter: «Very Rapid Acceleration» -- Interview with Kenneth Koch, New York City, 1989
«Jacket» 09:
[»»] Photo: Zinc Bar, New York City, October 1999, photo by John Tranter
«Jacket» 10:
[»»] John Tranter: poem – The Twilight Guest
[»»] Photo: "Adult Books", New York City, October 1999, photo by John Tranter
«Jacket» 11:
Martin Johnston Feature edited by John Tranter
[»»] Martin Johnston: poem sequence
[»»] Photo: "Wings", New York City, October 1999, photo by John Tranter
«Jacket» 13:
[»»] Photo of «New American Writing» Editor Paul Hoover, New York City, 1991, photo by John Tranter
«Jacket» 14
Prose poem: [»»] John Tranter: In Paris
«Jacket» 15Photo: Kenneth Koch, NYC, 1989, photo by John Tranter
[»»] John Tranter: "Three Poems About Kenneth Koch"
«Jacket» 16
[»»] A sampler of writing selected by «Jacket» editor John Tranter from the 630-page Granary Books anthology of material from the collection of Angel Hair magazine and books edited by Lewis Warsh and Anne Waldman between 1966 and 1978.
[»»] John Tranter interviews Chris Emery, of Salt Publications
«Jacket» 17
[»»] Photo: John Ashbery, photo by John Tranter
[»»] John Ashbery and John Kinsella and John Tranter (and Ern Malley): The Ern Malley poems
[»»] The court typist’s transcript, in full, of the trial of Max Harris, an editor of Angry Penguins magazine, for the offence of publishing indecent advertisements. The trial was held in the Adelaide Police Court, South Australia, in September 1944. Mr Harris was convicted of the offence and fined. The original has 74 typed pages. Edited by John Tranter in 2005, with emendations and notes.
[»»] Photo: Schuldt, Berlin, 2001, photo by John Tranter.
«Jacket» 18:
Marjorie Perloff reviews: [»»] John Tranter and Paul Hoover
«Jacket» 20
[»»] John Tranter: poem: "Address to the Reader" (after Veronica Forrest-Thomson)
[»»] Photos: Cambridge Scenic Vignettes, many photos by John Tranter
«Jacket» 21:
[»»] Karlein van den Beukel, Rotterdam, 2005, photo by John Tranter
[»»] The United States Poet Laureate — some Background, with an Adumbration of a Brace of Controversies, and a List of the Consultants in Poetry from 1937 to 2002.
«Jacket» 22:
[»»] Photo: Bruce Andrews, New York, photo by John Tranter
«Jacket» 23:
[»»] David Shapiro (in conversation with John Tranter, 1984)
«Jacket» 25:
[»»] Photo: Carl Rakosi, San Francisco, March 1989, photo by John Tranter
«Jacket» 26: Robert Duncan, May 1985, photo by John Tranter [photo, right]
[»»] Robert Duncan in conversation with John Tranter, San Francisco, 1985
[»»] «Robert Duncan: A metaphysical quotient» — Michael Davidson in conversation with John Tranter, recorded in 1989, with a postscript, 2005
«Jacket» 27:
[»»] Anne Waldman, Berlin 2002, photo: John Tranter
Photo: John Tranter and Pam Brown, Berlin, 2001; Photo by Jane Zemiro
[»»] Michael Brennan: Last words: Tranter and Rimbaud’s silence.
[»»] Kate Fagan and Peter Minter: «Murdering Alphabets, Disorienting Romance: John Tranter and Postmodern Australian Poetics»
Poem: [»»] John Tranter: "By Blue Ontario’s Shore"
«Jacket» 29:
[»»] John Tranter: "Desmond’s Coupé": A partly homophonic mistranslation into English of ‘Un coup de dés’, using a nice, sensible even left margin.
[»»] John Tranter: a review of «Musicopoematographoscope», by Australian poet Christopher Brennan, a manuscript parody of ‘Un coup de dés’ written in Colonial Sydney within a few months of Mallarmé’s poem being published in the May 1897 issue of the Paris journal «Cosmopolis».
[»»] Poems «Altered State — The New Polish Poetry». Edited by Rod Mengham, Tadeusz Pióro and Piotr Szymor. Todmorden, UK: Arc Publications, 2003. Price: £10.95. This selection was chosen by Rod Mengham and John Tranter.
[»»] John Tranter: "Dan Dactyl and the Mad Jungle Doctor": A 95-frame black and white comic strip that traces the adventures of adventurer Dan Dactyl and his pals as they search the South American jungles for the mysterious French poet Doctor Verlaine. First published in «Chain» (US), «Poetry Review» (London) and «Southerly» magazine (Sydney).
«Jacket» 31:
Poem: [»»] John Tranter: Girl in Water
Graphic (Rimbaud, right) by John Tranter
«Jacket» 34:
[»»] Photo: Jackson Mac Low, 1997, photo John Tranter
«Jacket» 35:
[»»] Photo: Slant Fence, Blackheath, NSW, December 2007, photo by John Tranter
«Jacket» 37:
[»»] John Tranter: Two Poems: "Derek Walcott’s Lips"; and
"Craig Raine’s Arsehole: variations on a theme by Helen Farish"
«Jacket» 39:
[»»] Banjo Paterson: "The Man From Snowy River"; John Tranter: "Snowy"
Under the horizon