Charles Bernstein

A Common Strangeness: Contemporary Poetry, Cross-Cultural Encounter, Contemporary Literature by Jacob Edmond

just out from Fordham University Press

Introduction I
I. Yang Lian and the FLlneur in Exile 15
2. Arkadii Dragomoshchenko and Poetic Correspondences 44
3. Lyn Hejinian and Russian Estrangement 72
4. Bei Dao and World Literature 95
5. Dmitri Prigov and Cross-Cultural Conceptualism 125
6. Charles Bernstein and Broken English 164
Conclusion 193

Nostradamus, tr. and intro. Richard Sieburth

READ ALL ABOUT IT: Prophesy –– astrology –– verse –– clairvoyance –– sophism ­­–– eschatology –– apocalypticism –– magic  –– obscurity ­­–– divination –– enigma ––opacity –– mysticism –– grotesqueries –– the mother of all ambiguity ­­–– vatic –– visionary –– violent. The avant-garde occult classic The Prophesies of Nostradamus has found its ideal translator in Richard Sieburth and Sieburth and Stéphane Gerson have provided superb introductions and notes.

Video portraits series 10: Gizzi, Willis, Andrews, Vicuna, Raworth, Tranter


Peter & the Analogue World: Peter Gizzi
Liz's Hair: Elizabeth Willis
John's Trp: John Tranter
Bruce's War: Bruce Andrews
Cecilia: Dancing the Lines: Cecilia Vicuña
Tom: The Night the Lights Went On: Tom Raworth

Series 10 at PennSound

Convolution Journal for Critical Experiment

including my 2007 interview with Nie Zhenzhao (excerpted here)

With its disarming in medias res layout Convolution is tyring to reinvent the print periodical. First issue includes Giorgio Agamben and Alessandro Petti, Ayreen Anastas and Rene Gabri, Bruce Andrews, Alexander Barnett, Bob Brown, Tony Chakar, Sarah Crowner, Drew Daniel, Jeff Dolven, Melissa Dunn,  Craig Dworkin, Jesko Fezer, Michael Golston, Robert Hardwick Weston, Christian Hawkey, Athena Kirk, Gareth Long, Rosalind Morris,  Andrew Schelling, Eliza Slavet, Nancy Tewksbury, and editors Paul Stephens &  Jenelle Troxell.

A 2007 interview I did with Nie Zhenzhao and published in Chinese translation in Foreign Literature Studies (Vol. 29, No. 2 April 2007) is also included. Here is an excerpt, mostly focussing on Parsing (1976, Eclipse digital edition, 2006), but also on some of the poems in Controlling Interests (1980).